Working Goth

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I woke up in my bed to the sound of my alarm going off. It was playing Marilyn Manson's beautiful people. I sat up slowly, and adjusted my eyes to the light. I guess I had left my window blinds open yesterday, because sunlight was filling my usually dark, and cozy room.

I tried to recall how I had made it to bed yesterday. Seeing how the last thing I remember is falling asleep in Michaels lap. I looked around my room for a second checking for any sign of his lengthy self, and found no means of him. I shrugged, and got out of bed.

I did my usual morning routine, and grabbed my clothes while heading to the bathroom for a shower. I don't think I was ever going to strip before getting behind the bathroom door ever again. At least not after what happened.

While in the shower I took extra care of my hair this time. The fringe was getting some split ends. Which could end up being a pain in the ass eventually. I made a mental note to trim it later.

When I was squeaky clean I got out, and dried off. Oddly enough I was a bit more aware of myself today. I felt as if I was getting too thin to look healthy. I also noticed some of my smaller scars were fading. I seemed to be changing in both good, and bad ways.

I didn't know how to feel about it though. I didn't necessarily like change, but I wasn't opposed to it either. Who knows maybe I'm fine, and are just overthinking things. It's probably that. I worry too much.

I headed back to my room with a towel wrapped around me. Once there I got dressed, and went downstairs. The house was so quiet all by itself. All I could hear was my footsteps. It was kind of creepy, but peaceful. It made me sort of nostalgic for my parents. Well minus the abuse.

When I reached the bottom of the creaky stairs I walked into the kitchen, and made some coffee. Then I grabbed a cigarette from a pack on the counter, and lit it. I was in complete heaven as I sat down at the kitchen counter. I was able to clear my mind, and breath in what felt like forever.

Unfortunately I knew I couldn't stay like this. If I was going to survive on my own at all I couldn't stay inside all my life. I'd waste away, and never get an education. Which might be important if I want to be something eventually.

I'll also need a job. My parents might be paying for my habit, and living expenses. Though I doubt they're giving me money for anything extra. I have no idea who's hiring though considering I barely know my surroundings. I guess that means I'm going outside today eventually.

When the coffee maker was done brewing it's rich liquid. I poured myself some, and savored it. I would need the caffeine boost today. I mean dealing with conformists is exhausting.

After I finished my morning ritual of a cup of coffee, and a cigarette. I ate breakfast, and made my way out the door. It was an awfully bright day which hurt my eyes. Making me run back in my house to grab shades.

I also had grabbed my keys from the hook near the door on my way back out as well. Seeing as I forgot to drop them in my messenger bag in my haste this morning. When I checked this time to make sure everything was in order I made my way down the street into town.

The first few shops I saw turned me down. They said I was too young. To which I responded with a simple nod. This sort of went on all day till I came to a place called bennys. I went in, and looked around. Until a woman looking about in her forties came up to me. "Can I help you" she said with a cranky tone. I nodded,"I'm looking for a job. Are they hiring here?" She looked me up, and down. Then as if mulling something over, she nodded,"We are now. I'm the manager here. My names Suzy. You'll be our new waitress. A bit of advice. Wear comfortable shoes."

I nodded with a smile. "When do I start?" She half smiled back, and said now. I was so thrilled to have finally found a job that I couldn't think to be pissy about how lame a job where I had to interact with conformists would be. I just took the uniform that was given to me, and got to work.

Luckily the manager ignored my scars, and the customers were to involved with themselves to notice. I thought the short sleeves, and skirt would cause me problems. Fortunately enough no one cared. I worked all day with no problems. Turns out I have amazing skill when it comes to memorizing orders.

It became so easy for me it was like second nature. The day became quite uneventful after that as well.

You know right up Until I seen Michael, Pete, Henrietta, and Firkle sitting at my next table. I nervously walked up to them, and said "Hey". They looked at my uniform in horror, and I cocked an eyebrow in amusement. I noticed Pete, and Henrietta were staring at my scars as well though. Which made me a bit self conscious.

"Can I help you" I asked. To make it seem like I wasn't dilly dallying. Michael being the first to speak up said, "Four coffees." I nodded, and turned around to get their orders. When I came back with there cups, and a pot of coffee I asked," Anything else?" They all nodded no, and I called back,"Just let me know" as I walked away to continue working.

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