Chapter 3: diagon alley

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607 words eat up children

Y/N's pov:

"Alright darling we're here! Why don't you go find the books you need while me and Papa go get boring stuff like quills and parchment and all that malarkey? Meet us back here at 4 okay? I love you and i'll see you in a bit!" Dad smiled.

"Okay!" I returned the smile and headed to flourish and blotts to get my books.

Being a werewolf pup I was naturally more immature. Though I tried not to show it in public, my dad's knew that anything that excited me I would go crazy over. Whether that was jumping and flapping my hands or shouting and covering my mouth with my hands after out of embarrassment. This was caused by the common act of dogs and wolves and anything related wagging their tails when they are happy. Since humans don't have tails to wag, they need somewhere else to put their excitement. My dad's were the only people who I would let see me like that because it was honestly really embarrassing but it was hard not to do in public. Luckily, I kept myself together after seeing an astrology poster that was for some reason right in my face.

After what seemed like forever finally made it to flourish and blotts and grabbed the books I needed but just as I was reaching for a book..

"Honestly Ronald with that big head of yours you'd think that you'd have a big brain to fill it but now I'm not even sure if you have one!"

My heart stopped for just a second I swear it missed a beat. Only the most beautiful girl in the world was stood near me. "Okay" I thought to myself, "just don't talk to her and you'll be fine-"

"Oh hi Y/N!"


"Oh uhh hey hermione! How are you doing?"

"I would be doing good if Ronald wasn't being such an idiot."

I laughed at that. She had a way of making things that should piss me off really funny.

"What did he do now?" I asked sarcastically, he looked at me quite offended and I just laughed.

"He said that 6738 add 0 was Antarctica."

"What? That doesn't even make sense it's Australia. Duh."

She stared at me blankly and I knew I had messed up somewhere so I laughed pretending it was a joke and eventually she caught on and laughed too. Her laugh was so melodious I could listen to it on repeat all day.

"You're so funny Y/N!" She said breathlessly after laughing and stared into my eyes only to hear Ron shout "WE HAVE TO GO!"

"Bye Y/N! It was nice seeing you!" She smiled and waved me goodbye.

I stood there for a moment remembering every detail on her face and how it had changed over the break. Her voice was slightly lower and her jawline OH MY GOD HER JAWLINE- oh shit what time is it? OH FUCK ITS 5 TO 4 I HAVE TO GO-

You run all the way to where you are meeting your dads, luckily arriving at 4 on the dot

"Let's go home it looks like you've had enough excitement for one day, kiddo." Dad said lovingly.

With that, we apparated back to our house on the hill. My dad's and me as gay as ever. We are so cool.

But I'm still wondering what the answer is.. then it hit me.


A/N - sorry its kind of a short one I'm really tired today but i promise a long one is coming super soon so stay tuned for that <3

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