Chapter 5 - the plan

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969 words take it or leave it

Y/N's pov:

I took my seat next to luna in the great hall. It seems like the "golden trio" as luna called them, had already forgotten about me. I didn't really care of course. Especially Ron I didn't give a rats ass about him.  "LANGUAGE". Sorry.

Even though I had convinced myself that I didn't care, I felt a longing to be noticed by them. Not just by my own god-brother but by the bushy-haired girl that sat beside him. It was an unexplainable empty feeling in my stomach that I couldn't shake no matter how hard I tried.

"Are you alright Y/NN (your nickname)" Luna asked, her voice laced with concern.

"Yeah. I just-" I sighed, not knowing what to say. "Can we talk after dinner?"

"Of course! Don't forget how much I love you Y/N. Your my best friend. I'm here for you." She said. My god, I didn't know how much I needed to hear that. Everything had been so much lately with what happened last year with papa and nearly dying to my own dad and stuff, I didn't know how much she meant to me.

After the sorting, Dumbledore calls attention to the front of the great hall and clears his throat.

"First of all, I want to introduce all of you to your new defence against the dark arts teacher, Professor Moody!"

A tall, scary looking man with a strange mechanical eye crosses the threshold of the great hall and, as if on cue, a bright flash of lightning strikes. He stumbles up to the professors table and takes a seat and a sip of a strange drink he has. For a moment, I wonder what it is, but then give up, ultimately deciding that it's none of my business. Then, he says something that catches my attention once again.

"Our school will be hosting the triwizard tournament this year!"

His words ring in my ears. Does he not remember what happened last time? Someone died! Yes, it was a few years ago, but whose to say it won't happen again? Oh, merlin, please don't let it happen again. Someone's voice snaps me out of my thoughts .

"Hey Y/NN!"

I turn around to see the older hufflepuff that I adore so much.

"Ced!" I say, practically jumping up and hugging him. He is way taller than me. I'm around the same hight as luna, slightly taller by maybe an inch but you know.

"Hey! I missed you!" He says squeezing me tighter.

"I missed you more." I say, earning a playful punch to the arm.

"Not possible." He replies "is!" I laugh "isn't" "is" "isn't" "is"

We both end up in a fit of giggles. "Fine you win." He says between laughs.

"YES! SUCK IT HUFFLEPUFF!" I laughed even harder. Everyone was shocked by the interaction seeing as nobody had ever seen me talk to anyone other than luna, let alone hug them. It was true though, Cedric really brought out the best in me. He brought out my excited, confident and happy side.


Me and Luna have a dorm together, just the two of us. My dad's had already told dumbledore about the way I am around people but he didn't want me to be alone so I was placed with luna and that's how our friendship began. The first night of first year. She's been my ride or die ever since.

"So what did you want to talk about, Y/N?" She asks in her usual dreamy voice.
"There's this girl that I really like. I've liked her since first year actually. The problem is, I have no idea if she likes me back and I don't think my oblivious self ever will. So I need your help. How can I figure out if she likes me back?" I blurt out everything so quickly that I didnt know if she even heard anything I said, but of course, she did.

"Hold on. Your telling me that you've had a crush. For 4 YEARS. and I never figured it out. Wow. You hid that well. ANYWAY WHO IS IT PLEASE TELL ME PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!" I was so surprised. She seemed way more excited than I thought she would.

"It's hermione. You know, hermione granger?" I say, hoping she knows who I'm talking about.

"OH MY GOODNESS YOU TWO WOULD BE SO CUTE TOGETHER!" She practically screams in excitement. I have to Shush her, to which she replies with "right sorry"

"So do you have any idea how to see if she likes me back?" I ask nervously.

"Well, so far, I've thought of 2 options. Option 1: you dive in headfirst and ask her out, with the possibility of being rejected and heartbroken, or option 2: you make her jealous and see her reaction. Which do you prefer?" She asks genuinely.

"How do we make her jealous?" I ask, terrified of the first one.

"I have a plan." Luna says.

"Please tell." I reply, nervous as to what she will say.

"What if you pretend to date me, so we do stuff like holding hands, hugging, giving cute names to eachother, even kissing if your comfortable with it, around hermione. We get her reaction, see if she gets jealous, there you go!" She smiles, clearly very proud of herself.

"Luna that's brilliant! Your brilliant! Thank you!" I say excitedly.

"I know." She replies, "we will start tomorrow."

"Got it, thanks looney!"  (I was the only person who was allowed to call her that.)

"No problem Y/NN! Now go to sleep I'm tired." She says yawning.

"Goodnight Y/N"

"Night luna"

A/N - don't be surprised if you don't get a new chapter for the next few days, my mum is back in the hospital again so I won't have much motivation to write. I'm sorry.

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