Chapter 4 - hogwarts express

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Opossum <333 anyway sToRy TiMe ChIlDrEn GaThEr RoUnD, We HaVe 735 WoRdS fOr YoU tOdAy So Be GrAtEfUl

Y/N's pov:

"I'm gonna miss you so much." I say to both my parents. Well, to my dad and the black dog next to him.

"We'll miss you more! Won't we padfoot?" Dad asks, to which 'padfoot' nods. I crouch down to hug him, then stand back up to hug my dad.

"Bye dad, bye papa. I love you." I say slightly saddened that I'm leaving but excited for hogwarts.
"Trust us darling, we love you more. See you are Christmas kiddo!" Dad replies, putting on a voice that sounded like papas for the last bit making me laugh. He kisses my cheek and waves me off as I board the train.


I make my way into an empty compartment and sigh as I drop down into my seat. Outside I can hear commotion but I don't care to look over.

"There's no other compartments we're just gonna have to go with her Ronald. If you don't like it then me and Harry will go and you can find your own compartment."

"But she's the quiet kid! She's friends with bloody looney lovegood for crying out loud!"

"Who cares? I think she's nice!"

I smile at the almost compliment, knowing the voice of the person who it came from.

"Nice? Nice? You don't even know her she could be a freak!"


I laugh at how protective she is over me even if the only thing she knows about me is my first name.

"Right.. sorry.."

"I think we should just talk to her. For all we know she can probably hear this entire conversation."

A new voice, how exciting.

*knock knock*

The door opens.

"Hi Y/N! Can we sit here? there are no other empty-ish compartments." Hermione says. God, I would kill to hear her voice on replay.

"Yeah of course!" I say, finally facing her.

"Is that a guitar? Can you play something? I've always been so interested in them- oh sorry. I'm Harry. Harry Potter."

"I'm Y/N Lupin-Black! Nice to meet you Harry! And yes, I can play something if you want." I reply, taking it as my chance to finally take my dad's advice.

"Yes! Thank you!" Harry exclaims, excitedly taking his seat next to Ron who scoffs and rolls his eyes.

Hermione sits next to me and patiently waits for me to start playing.

I ended up playing September, the instrumental version. Which unknowingly to me sent sparks flying through Hermione's heart. Once I had finished, she had the biggest smile which made me so happy. Even the ginger boy ha a look of admiration on his face until I could basically see gears turning in his head.

"Wait, you said your name is Y/N Lupin-Black right? As in professor Lupin from last year and.."

He didn't finish his sentence which made me nervous, so I finished it for him.

"Sirius Black. I know."

I looked up expecting scared expressions but was instead met by happy ones. Especially Harry, he looked like he just went to the moon and back.

"Your my godsister. I have more family. I have a family. YOUR MY FAMILY!" He smiled happily, stood up unexpectedly and hugged me. In that moment I felt so appreciated. I felt like I mattered the most to anyone in the world. Nobody had ever hugged me like this before. It was as though I was his life support. I gladly hugged back. It must've lasted about 5 minutes until we sat back down.

Harry still seemed to be in shock of what just happened, as was I. He somehow managed to get words out:

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Being here. Being alive. Being born. Existing. Thank you."

I didn't know how much those words meant to me until I felt a tear fall down my face, I was grinning from ear to ear. Hermione saw this and held me as though I was the only person she ever cared about, and ever would care about. The rest of the train ride was in silence, not an awkward one but a comfortable one. This was going to be a great year.

A/N - the calm before the storm. Your welcome.

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