New lock screen

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One last random pointless post before bed. You probably don't care because this has no relevance to anything whatsoever, but whatevs.
For quite a while, my lock/home screen on my iPhone has been pictures I drew myself of my insane cat OC Jailbreak. But today I randomly decided to go to google, find the most flipping adorable picture of Fennekin I can, and set it as my lock screen. So far, I'm absolutely loving it. The adorable is just amazing.

(Lol I'm a guy and I absolutely love adorable things... Haha breaking gender barriers there I guess. Meh, those things are stupid anyway. I'd rather be me than what society tells me a guy should be. I can like cute things if I want to like cute things, gosh darnit! XD)

*this has been a completely random, pointless, and most likely strange post by InkwelltheEncrier.*

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