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So I hung out at a friend's house today. He had me play Myst. He didn't expect me to get that far, but I beat the whole thing and saw all 4 endings XD

I seriously beat the whole game in a matter of a couple hours. Apparently that doesn't happen often? Apparently in the time it took for me to understand the general gist of what the goal of the game was and what I had to do to collect what I needed, any other friend he'd showed it were still wandering around like "What is this ****" (ahaha I don't do swears but it's an actual quote so all I can do is censor it)

Also I was good enough at it that what's supposed to be the first puzzle, which basically just unlocks a message that tells you what you need to do in the game, was completely unnecessary. I solved other stuff first and when I came back and did it I was like "lol I know that already"

That submarine puzzle in the sound area tho... WHY DOES THAT EXIST. IT IS TORTURE. AND IF YOU WANT 100% COMPLETION YOU HAVE TO DO IT TWICE.

TLDR: I am prrrrrobably good at puzzle games? I think so?

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