DTA code of ethics

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I see drama over DTAs so often... So I came up with a code of ethics everyone has to agree to before participating.

1. By entering this, I admit to the fact that I may not win, and won't throw a tantrum or treat the winners any differently if I lose

2. I will not tell anyone not to enter for a specific one just because I want it, and will not get mad at the other contestants for entering.

3. I understand that the one hosting must pick ONE winner, and may have trouble choosing. If they pick another entry that I feel is inferior to mine, I will not accuse the judge of bias.

4. I agree to keep this in all other aspects drama-free, as this is a CONTEST. No matter how much I want the character, I will understand that others want them too, and allow said desire.

5. Any breaking of the above rules will result in disqualification, and possibly disqualification in future DTAs.

Kinda a rough draft, but hey, it probably would work.

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