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The next morning, Josh awoke early and began to pack his things. Tyler also woke up to start prepping for breakfast. As he started getting the food ready, he noticed Josh talking with Gerard, who was helping him with his stuff.

He finished with the eggs, washed off the counter, then walked over to his love; taking his hand.

"My beloved, are you going somewhere?"

Josh frowned, then took the boy into his arms.

"Tyler, darling, I'm so sorry to do this to you."

"Josh, what are you talking about?"

The man look to Gerard, who also looked on with sorrow; knowing that Tyler didn't understand what was happening.

He nodded to his master and allowed them some privacy.

Josh took Tyler's hand and held it close to his.

"Listen to me, my love, I'm going away on business, but I will be back by tomorrow night."

"But, Josh, why are you leaving me?"

The man sighed.

"For personal reasons, I cannot tell you, but I promise you, while I'm gone, you will be safe."

"But, who will protect me?" Tyler asked.

"Gerard will look after you, and so will Mark, and all the other knights." Josh replied. "They all love you just as much as I."

"Josh, no."

The boy began to weep.

"I don't want you to go. I love you, and I don't want to be with anyone, but you."

Josh felt tears streaming.

"My darling."

He reached up and wiped away the boy's tears from his cheeks.

"You have to be strong. I'll only be gone for one day, and then, when I return, I'll take you home."

"Home?" Tyler asked.

The boy was confused.

"Josh, if I go home, my aunt will kill me and take my rare beauty. This is my home now, and I want you and I to live here forever."

"That's why I' will make your home better when I return."

"What are you talking about?"

The man reached from behind his pocket and knelt down to his knees; pulling out a beautiful diamond rose gold ring.

When Tyler saw it, he placed his hand over his mouth; weeping tears of pure happiness

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When Tyler saw it, he placed his hand over his mouth; weeping tears of pure happiness.

Josh took Tyler hand; holding out the ring close to his finger.

"Tyler Robert Joseph, you are truly the love of my life, and the only boy that I wish to spend the rest of my life with. When I take you home, and make your life better, will you marry me?"

The boy was so happy, he couldn't refuse him.

"Yes, Josh, I will!"

Josh slipped the ring onto his finger, and the two embraced each other, then they shared a loving and passionate kiss.

Tyler may not know why his future husband was leaving, but he knew that it would all be worth it at the very end.


After farewelling his bride to be and his fellow knightly friends, Josh went off into the woods and started making his way towards Clancy Way; hoping to put an end to the aunt's lust for beauty forever.

Meanwhile, the aunt sat in front of her looking glass when she heard the sound of the door. When she went to answer it, she saw that it was Helena.

She didn't think she'd return, but because of how valuable she is to her, she couldn't dismiss her.

The aunt smiled upon her arrival.

"Helena, you've come back."

The ginger girl curtsied before her.

"I was wrong to have left you, milady. I truly understand now that the boy must die."

"Then, why didn't you kill him?" The wicked woman asked.

"My kindness has gotten to me, milady."

"It won't get to you now."

The woman let her in.

"As you should know, I have come up with a plan, and I will need your help."

Helena was afraid, but she was only obeying so she can get Josh to eventually stop her.

"What must I do?"

The aunt went over into the hidden cupboard and took out a strange potion; which contained a deadly poison. She then went over to her looking glass and magically dressed herself into an old crone.

Helena was shocked and bewildered.

Then, the evil woman started her way out of her room.

"Follow me, Helena."

The ginger girl followed her into the kitchen, where she watched as she started producing her evil plan.

The woman poured the poison into a bowl, then mixed together with water. Then, she took a syringe and sucked the poison into it. Helena did not know why she would use it; until she saw what she had done next.

Finally, the aunt took a red apple from the fruit bowl and injected it; making every bit of it poison to the core.

When she was done, the aunt showed Helena her final plan to ridding her nephew.

"I will give him this poisoned apple, and when he takes a little bite from it, he will fall into a sleep like death, and his rare beauty will finally be mine!"

Helena was terrified. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't beg her to stop this, or ask her to rethink it. All she could do was watch and obey.

She silently prayed that Josh would come and stop her before she puts her plan into motion.

"Milady, t-this plan is full proof. I-I b-believe you will succeed."

The old crone placed the apple into her basket of jewels, then walked out the front door. However, before she left, she turned back to her loyal seamstress.

"When I return, my dear Helena, my nephew will be dead."

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