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Back at the cottage, as evening began to fall, the knights were in mourning over the death of Tyler Joseph; their ladybird and dearest friend. He was tricked and killed by his aunt, and there was nothing the men could do to revive him.

On the day he died, they gently laid him upon Josh's bed and grieved over him throughout the night. Gerard took full responsibility for Tyler's death because it was his idea to leave him home alone. Mark and Brycen blamed themselves as well, and the children didn't understand why their friend had to die.

When they began to process the thought of eventually burying him, Gerard couldn't bare it. The child was so beautiful and looked so alive, he didn't want to put him into the cold dark earth, where he would be alone in death.

Instead, Gerard decided to turn their garden into a shrine, and he created a beautiful coffin of red and white roses. He knew Tyler would want to be laid to rest there.

At dawn, when the sun started coming over their home, the knights gently laid Tyler in the coffin. He was dressed all in black with a floral kimono, and he had a crown of roses in his fluffy brunette hair.

When the time came, each knight brought a single rose to his coffin, and shared a final farewell. The youngling knights went first, starting with Harry.

"Tyler, I'm going to miss you. I pray you find peace."

He laid his rose inside the coffin where the child lay, then walked beside Gerard and Mark.

It was Sydney's turn.

"You were truly a friend to us. We all loved you."

As he laid down his rose, a tear came down his cheek.

"Goodbye, Tyler."

Then, it was Imogene's turn. He took it a little harder, but he did his best to maintain his composure.

He laid his rose in the coffin, then said his words.

"Farewell, dear, Tyler."

Finally, it was Gertie's turn. Because he was too little to reach the coffin, Brycen walked up there with him.

When he tried to say something, he ran over to Mark and sobbed into his chest. The man held him and consoled him.

Brycen, now standing alone with Tyler's coffin, began to express his guilt for not caring for him, then laid down his rose; with tears streaming down his eyes.

The knights knew that despite his offenses, he truly did love the boy.

When it was Gerard and Mark's turn, Brycen came over and took Gertie into his arms, then watched as the two oldest men went to pay their respects to Tyler.

Mark laid his rose into the coffin, this pressed his three fingers to his lips and placed them upon Tyler's cheek.

Finally, Gerard came, with a little bouquet of roses in his hands, but he didn't lay them in the coffin with the others. Instead, he laid them in Tyler's cold hands, which were folded across his chest.

The knightly man shed a single tear, then said his last words to his beloved ladybird.

"Farewell, Tyler Joseph. "Thee w're full of pure heart and soul. We shall at each moment loveth thee."

He leaned closer to the child's lifeless frame.

"And, as shall I, mine own dear, darling ladybird."

He gave him a little kiss on his forehead, then he lowered the lid down upon the coffin; completing the shrine that was made to honor him.

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