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Tyler Joseph was now living among the seven knights of the forest; Josh's wondrous friends. He now felt a sense of comfort and peace, now that he was in a safer place far away from his aunt. As long as he remained by Josh's side, he knew that he was going to be okay.

Along with the protection that the knights had promised, Tyler agreed to keep house for them while they were away on their mining trip. He cooked and cleaned, washed, sewed, and knitted for the men. When they returned home, there was always a steamy hot meal prepared for them at the table.

One evening, as the knights sat together and supped, Gerard began to ask questions to the young child.

"So, thy nameth is Tyler Robert Joseph?" He asked.

The boy nodded.


"Wh're art thee from?"

"I grew up on Clancy Way ever since I was a youngling. My mother died on the birthing bed after I was born."

When little Gertie heard this, he frowned.

"I know how you feel. My mother died when I was born too."

"Same here." Said Sydney.

"I don't remember my mother." Harry added. "I believe she died when I was infant as well."

"Aye, the knave who is't hath lived." Brycen said.

"I'm not that Harry!" The boy replied.

Gerard slapped his hand on the table.


Brycen and the children didn't speak a word. Tyler was a bit disturbed, but he kept his focus on the man.

Gerard then turned back to the boy.

"Apologies, lief child." He said to him. "Ser Brycen likes to playeth 'round at times."

He turned back to the child knight as he spoke.

"At which hour those gents art not of s'rvice."

Brycen stood up; his sword in his hand.

"I'm not causing a ado, Gerard! Thee forswear!"

He slammed his scabbard to the ground so loudly, Mark covered the ears of little Harry and Gertie.

"Keep eating, children." He said to them. "Don't hark."

Imogene and Sydney tried to calm his brethren.

"Brycen, this isn't worth it." Imogene said.

"He's right." Sydney added. "It'll make it worse.

"It's already w'rse!" Brycen shouted.

He pointed his scabbard at poor Tyler and Josh.

"Our mast'r f'rces us to abideth to this strang'r beest just hath met, and anon we wanteth to knoweth that gent. I may beest 13, but I knoweth that boy is a blinking idiot!"

When he heard this, Tyler burst into tears.

"I'm sorry you feel that way about me, ser. I may be a stranger to you, but I am in danger and wish to be protected."

"From who is't!" Brycen shouted. "A fusty aunt who is't wishes thee dead? Oh, prithee! I can't bareth this no more brain than stone coystrill!"

Josh stood up; grabbing his drumstick from his back pocket and aiming it at Brycen's neck.

"Thee standeth down bef're I cutteth thee! I won't bethink twice!"

Brycen was no match against his master. He lowered his scabbard and sat back down.

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