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When Josh heard what Helena had warned him, his world felt as if it was going to crack.

"Is it true?" He asked.

"I'm afraid so." Helena replied. "The Queen has learned of where Tyler is, and she is coming. I don't know when, but she will."

The fear started growing inside of him. Josh wanted to do something quickly; anything that could stop her from seeing Tyler dead.

"I gotta stop her." He said.

"How will you?" Helena asked.

"I don't know, but I must consult my men first. Once I know what to do, I will do it."

Helena was happy to know that Josh is going to make a plan against the aunt, but her thoughts turned to Tyler.

She hasn't seen him since they parted, and had hoped that he was safe and secured. She wanted to ask Josh to see him, but feared that would draw attention.

So, she decided to confess what had happened the night she was sent to do her nearly worst act.


"Yes, Helena."

The ginger girl took a deep breath.

"The night Tyler came here, the queen had ordered me to end his life, but I chose not to. I let him live, and that's how he arrived here. I had wanted to see Tyler again after the incident, but I dare not to. His aunt is of mysterious magic, and she may find out I warned you."

When he heard this, he was shocked, but at the same time, he felt sad for her.

"Are you gonna go back to her?"

"Only as a spy, but I am worried she may come to kill Tyler in any day. If you wish to stop her, it must be now."

"Then I'll go now, and put an end to her wickedness. It's the only way to save Tyler's rare beauty."

Helena grinned.


She started to leave, but turned back.

"One more thing, Josh?"

The man looked to her.

"Tell Tyler that I'm sorry, and I hope and pray for his safe return home soon."

He nodded.

"I will."


Once Helena was gone, Josh went back into the cottage. The knights were all gathered around the table eating the cake that Tyler baked for them. When Gerard saw that his master had returned, he pointed to the kitchen counter next to the stove.

"Th're art a few pieces did save f'r thee."

Josh went over to grab a plate and got himself a piece of cake, then he went over and sat next to Tyler. He took a minute to admire him before eating.

As he admired him, he could see the true rare beauty within him. He indeed was the most beautiful boy in all of the land, and he was his true love.

So entranced and mesmerized by him, he leaned over and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

The boy smiled and kissed him back; accidentally putting icing on his lips. The children started laughing.

"Master, your boyfriend put icing on your lips!" Sydney cried.

"How romantic!" Imogene added.

Gertie and Harry couldn't stop laughing.

Brycen was not amused. He continued to eat the cake.

"No more brain than stone." He whispered.

Gerard popped the back of his head.

"Did shut thy bloody that from which we speak!"

Brycen did not respond back.

Mark took a bite from the cake; enjoying the taste.

"Doth thee baketh oft?" He asked.

"It's one of my favorite hobbies." Tyler replied. "Cookies is my specialty."

"He maketh the most wondrous cookies." Josh added.

Mark smiled.

"Well, thy cake doest not disappoint!"

Tyler smiled.

"Thank you, ser."

"Sweet ladybird, just calleth me Mark."

Tyler nodded.

"Of course."

He looked to all of the knights; including the children.

"You all have been so kind. I never thought that my new friends would also be my protectors."

Gerard stood up with his sword.

"Sw'rn to obeyeth and s'rve a dram quaint liketh thee!"

All the knights joined in and agreed. Tyler smiled and giggled.

"Y'all are so wonderful, thank you all."

They all continued to eat the cake and laugh with delight.

However, Josh was worried about Tyler's safety, and it was only a matter of time before the aunt would come for him.


After putting Tyler to bed, Josh took Gerard outside and spoke to him about Helena's warning.

"The mistress who is't cameth to seeth me wast the aunt's seamstress." He said. "She toldeth me yond the wench knoweth yond h'r nephew is alive."

When Gerard heard this, he was in disbelief.

"Nay, not our po'r ladybird."

"I knoweth, Gerard. That's wherefore I'm telling thee."

The man took a deep breath.

"What's the planeth?"

"First of all, I'm not going to alloweth yond wench toucheth my own sweet knave. We has't to protecteth that gent at all costs."

"I gage to thee, mast'r." Gerard said. "I am his buckler."

"Valorous, because I am going to hence tonight, and killeth the aunt bef're she cometh f'r Tyler."

"You're going to square his aunt?"

"I has't to. It's eith'r anon or Tyler shall meeteth the fate of death."

Gerard; fearing for Tyler's life, agreed.

"I loveth our innocent ladybird m're than aught. Until the wench is defeated, I shall keepeth him safe."

Josh knew Gerard would protect Tyler. He patted him on the shoulder.

"Mine dear Gerard, thee has't been a m're faithful knight than any oth'r. I knoweth thee shall not faileth me."

Gerard looked to Josh; his face full of determination.

"And I won't faileth thee. Tyler will live."

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