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Hey everyone! It's me, Hannah!

Thank you for reading this wonderful story! I had a fun time writing it, and I hope you enjoyed it just as much as I did!

This is the first time I've finished writing a Joshler fix in a long time, and on behalf of myself and all that I've done, thank you so much!

I usually give shoutouts to those who I acknowledge as being a part of my success as an author, so from now on, I'm going to give a shoutout to all of you, because without you guys, I wouldn't be doing what I love!

Since this is my author's note, I wanted to give an update on how I'm doing as of today!

I'm a second year college student now! I'm currently studying to be an elementary teacher, and maybe I'll add in some writing on the side!

Who knows!

Life can be challenging, but I'm very blessed to do this and to follow my dreams!

As always, make sure to check out my other stories that I'm currently writing, and thank you again for the love and support!

Until next time,

Stay alive ||-//

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