Chapter 3: Summer Camp

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The day of the summer camp finally arrived, and I found myself sitting nervously on a plane next to Mr. Smith, wondering what exactly I had gotten myself into. As we landed and boarded a bus to a government facility on a remote island, I couldn't help but feel like I was in the middle of a movie.

Once we arrived on campus, I was given a tour and shown to my room. It was completely different from what I was used to. The walls were painted pink, and the room was filled with girly scents and stuffed animals. It was overwhelming at first, but I knew I had to get used to it.

The next day, I was taken to the lab where I was put into a Sensory Deprivation chamber. Before being closed in, I was given an anaesthesia and a hormonal pill that would turn me into a girl. I was told that the procedure would take two full days.

As I lay in the chamber, I could feel the effects of the anaesthesia and hormonal pill taking hold. Everything felt fuzzy and strange. I tried to stay calm and remind myself of the scholarship that was promised to me.

Finally, after two full days of the procedure, I regained consciousness. But something felt different. As I was escorted to a changing room, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest with anticipation and fear.

I inspected myself in the mirror and was shocked to see the changes that had taken place. My face had changed, my body had developed breasts, and as I took off my pants, I noticed that I now had female genitals. It was a surreal experience.

As I stepped out of the changing room, Mr. Smith was waiting for me with a team of researchers. "How do you feel?" he asked, his tone serious.

"I feel strange," I replied, still trying to wrap my head around everything that had happened. I noticed my voice was also feminine.

"We'll help you adjust," he assured me. "We have a schedule for the next few weeks to help you learn how to be a girl and to fit in at school."

After Mr. Smith left me alone in my new room, I couldn't stop staring at myself in the mirror. I looked so different, so foreign. I knew I had to get used to my new appearance, but it was hard to even recognise myself.

As the night wore on, I couldn't seem to fall asleep. Instead, I spent hours exploring my new body, feeling every curve and every contour. I was surprised to find that I felt aroused, even though everything about the situation was so strange and uncomfortable.

But the excitement was quickly replaced by a feeling of sickness. I had to use the toilet often and felt like I was going to throw up. I didn't know what was happening to me, and I felt like I was completely alone.

The next few weeks were a blur of classes, training, and adjustments. I was taught how to walk and act like a girl, how to apply makeup and style my hair. It was all so overwhelming, but I knew I had to keep going.

One day, while I was sitting in my new room, Mr. Smith entered with a team of researchers. "We have some news for you," he said. "You have been assigned fake parents who will only be called when necessary. You will be living with your real parents, but you also have another house for your girl self. If you ever have someone over, they will have to come to your other house."

I was taken aback by the news. "So, you mean to tell me that I have to keep up this act even in my own home?" I asked.

"Yes," Mr. Smith replied. "It's important that you maintain your new identity at all times."

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