Chapter 19: Halloween

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As Halloween was quickly approaching, I found myself in a dilemma - I had multiple party invitations but hadn't yet decided on a costume. It wasn't until chemistry class that I got an idea.

"Hey guys, what are your plans for Halloween?" I asked Harry, Josh, and Daniel.

They shrugged in response, "Nothing really, we were just going to spend the night at Josh's house," Harry said.

"I think you guys should come to Charlotte's party with me," I suggested. "And I have the perfect costume idea. How about we go as the Suicide Squad?"

The boys looked at each other, intrigued by the idea.

"I call dibs on King Shark," Harry exclaimed.

"Well then, I call dibs on Deadshot," Josh added.

"I guess that makes me Black Spider," Daniel said, "He's the only other one with a cool costume."

Excited about our plan, we decided to head to the mall after school to find our costumes.

"We should check out the comic book store first," Josh suggested. "They might have some good options."

"Good idea," I replied, already picturing myself as Harley Quinn.

At the comic book store, we found some great options, but unfortunately, they were all sold out of the Suicide Squad costumes.

"Okay, next stop is the costume store," Harry said, determined to find the perfect costume.

We scoured the store, trying on different costumes until we found the perfect Suicide Squad outfits. We even added some extra props to make our costumes more authentic.

The next day, I woke up early to get ready. The face paint was the hardest part to get right. I wore the costume and then put on the blonde wig. I wore a black choker with a diamond pendant and topped it off with a baseball bat.

As I walked into class, I saw Jessica. She was dressed as Wonder Woman.

"Oh my god, Jess, you look hot," I exclaimed.

"I look hot? Look at you, girl," she said, admiring my costume.

I blushed. "You're too sweet."

Later that day, during lunch, Charlotte came and sat beside us.

"Hey, guys. Are you coming to my Halloween party tonight?" she asked. "Of course, we are," I said.

I stepped out of the car and onto the pavement, the sound of music and laughter filling my ears. Darryl had dropped me off at Charlotte's house, and I could already tell that the party was in full swing. As I made my way to the front door, I could feel the excitement building inside me. I was ready for a night of fun, drinks, and maybe even a little bit of romance.

"Ok, bye Darryl. Jessica will drop me home at night," I said as I stepped out of the car.

"Don't get wasted like last time," he warned.

But before he could finish his sentence, I cut him off and said, "Byeeeeeeee!" as I slammed the door shut.

As I made my way inside, I could hear the thumping bass of the music and the sound of people laughing and talking. Charlotte's party was already in full swing.

Some time later, I turned around to see Daniel, Josh, and Harry following me, looking a bit uncomfortable. "Hey guys, go have fun," I encouraged them. "Don't be shy, talk to some girls. Maybe you'll get lucky."

They nodded softly before walking off in different directions, leaving me to wander the party on my own. I made my way to the upstairs balcony and spotted Sarah by the pool.

"Oh, that bitch is here," I muttered to myself before walking back inside to get a drink. I added some vodka to my punch, hoping to have a little extra fun.

As the night went on, the party became more and more packed. People were dancing, laughing, and hooking up all around me. But I found myself feeling numb and disconnected from it all.

Later in the night, I found myself standing alone in a corner, sipping my punch and feeling buzzed. Suddenly, Charlotte appeared next to me, holding a red solo cup.

"Hey, girl! I'm so glad you could make it!" she shouted over the music.

"Of course! This party is lit!" I replied, trying to sound enthusiastic.

"I know, right? Have you seen anyone cute here?" she asked, winking at me.

I took another sip of my punch. "Nah, I'm not really looking tonight."

Charlotte nodded. "Same. I'm just here to have a good time. But, hey, let's take a shot together!"

I agreed, and she poured us both a shot of tequila. We clinked our cups and downed the shot, feeling the burn of the alcohol as it went down.

As the night wore on, the party became even more chaotic. People were getting drunker, louder, and more reckless. But I just stood there, feeling lost and out of place. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, but I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was.

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