Chapter 7: Dear Diary

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As soon as I got home, I sat down at my desk and took out my diary to write about my experience at school. I wrote down every detail, every compliment I received, and every interaction I had with my new friends. Just as I was finishing up, my phone rang. It was Mr. Smith.

"Hello, Heather. How was your first day of school?" he asked.

"It was amazing, Mr. Smith. I made some new friends and everyone was so nice to me," I replied.

"I'm glad to hear that. Remember to keep writing in your diary every day. It will help you with your study," he reminded me.

"Yes, sir. I'll make sure to do that," I promised.

Suddenly, I remembered the sleepover invitation from Jessica.

"Hey, Mr. Smith, one of the girls invited me to a sleepover. I'm not sure if I want to go. What should I do?" I asked him.

"Well, Heather, it's up to you. If you feel comfortable going, then you should definitely go. It will give you a chance to spend more time with your new friends and learn more about them," he suggested.

I thought about it for a moment and decided that Mr. Smith was right. It would be a good opportunity for me to get to know Jessica and her friends better and it could also solidify the fact that I am Heather now.

"Okay, I'll go. Thanks for your advice, Mr. Smith," I said.

"Anytime, Heather. Remember, just be yourself and have fun," he said before hanging up.

After ending the call with Mr. Smith, I closed my diary and headed over to my old house to hang out with my brother, Darryl. As I approached the back door, I felt a sense of nostalgia wash over me. I didn't want anyone to see me enter my old house, so I made sure to enter from the back door.

As I walked in, I saw my parents bonding with Marie and Jack. It was an odd sight - my real parents bonding with my new parents. I made my way to my brother's room and knocked on his door.

He said, "Mum, I'm busy."

"It's not mum, doofus. It's me, Bryan. Can I come in?" I replied.

"Sure," he said, opening the door.

I sat on his bed and asked, "Whatcha doin?"

"Playing COD. Wanna join in?" he asked.

"Sure," I said, grabbing the other controller.

We played for hours, catching up on lost time. As we played, we talked about school, girls, and just about anything that came to our minds. It was nice to be back to being brothers.

Suddenly, I received a text from Jessica. "Hey, would you like a tour of the town? I'm free right now," she said.

"Oh sure," I replied, "I'll send you my address. I'll be ready in half an hour."

I turned to my brother and said, "Hey, I gotta go now. It was nice catching up with you."

"Yeah, same here," he replied.

I left his room and made my way to the front door. As I opened it, I saw my parents still chatting with Marie and Jack. I didn't want to interrupt them, so I quickly slipped out the door and headed towards the other house.

As I walked towards my new home, I made my way to my room and sat down on my bed, staring out the window as I waited for Jessica to arrive.

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