Chapter 29: Break Up?

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On a Saturday morning, I was getting ready to go for my jog when Darryl came by and asked if he could join me. I was doing my stretches when he arrived, and I welcomed the company. We set off together, jogging around the neighbourhood and enjoying the fresh air.

As we jogged, Darryl brought up something unexpected. "Hey, Bryan, I was thinking. Can I tell Kira about your secret?" I was taken aback by his request. "Really? I mean, if you trust her, then I'm okay with it. But as long as it won't affect me."

"It won't," Darryl assured me. "It just seems odd that my 'female neighbour' hangs out with me so much. It would be much easier to tell her that you're my brother and not like it would interfere with your studies."

"Okay, I guess," I said reluctantly.

As we continued jogging, we came across Kira's house, and I decided to take Darryl up on his offer. I knocked on the door, and Kira's mother answered. "Hi, ma'am, is Kira home?"

"Oh, yes, come in," she said, and showed us to Kira's room.

"Hey, Kira," I said as we walked in. "Oh my god, what are you guys doing here?" she whispered so her mother wouldn't hear us.

"We have something to tell you," Darryl said. He told her everything, from the study I was conducting to how it caused me to transition.

Kira looked at us with a mix of surprise and confusion. "Really? You're a guy?"

"Yes, kinda. But I've been a girl for about eight months now," I explained.

"Why did you guys decide to tell me now if it's so private?" Kira asked.

"Well, Darryl insisted," I said, gesturing to my friend.

Kira took a moment to process the news, but she seemed understanding. "Okay, well, I won't tell anyone. I'm glad you felt like you could trust me with this." "Thanks, Kira," I said.

After my morning jog, I was feeling refreshed and energized. I couldn't wait to start the day with some pampering at the spa with Jessica. As soon as I got home, I quickly took a hot bath to clean myself and get ready for the day ahead. After I got out, I wrapped a towel around my body and hair and started picking out an outfit to wear.

I settled on a cute floral dress and some sandals. I did my makeup and hair and headed out to meet Jessica. She was waiting for me in her car.

"Hey girl, you ready for some pampering?" Jessica asked with a big smile on her face.

"I sure am!" I replied with a grin.

We drove to the spa, and I was amazed by how luxurious and expensive it looked. Jessica told me her mother owned a part of it, so we were getting a discount. We were led to a private room where we changed into robes and slippers and got ready for our massages.

As the male masseuses started working on our muscles, Jessica couldn't help but flirt with them.

"Ooh, that one's cute and really muscular," she whispered to me.

I just rolled my eyes and tried to focus on relaxing.

After a long day of massages, facials, and other spa treatments, Jessica and I decided to stay the night and leave the next day. As I was watching TV in bed, Jessica crept up and sat on her knees, trying to initiate some physical intimacy.

"No, not right now," I replied firmly.

"Come on, we can try all sorts of things," she pleaded.

"I'm not in the mood," I said, growing increasingly annoyed.

"Are you on your period?" she asked bluntly.

"No, I just don't want to," I responded.

Jessica let out a frustrated sigh and crossed her arms. "You know, you've been acting off lately," she said.

I felt a surge of anger rise within me. "Oh, you have the audacity to say that," I snapped. "If this is going nowhere, I'm not just going to have pointless sex with you. It's as if you're using me and also hitting on others in front of me. Keep in mind, you're the one that got me into this mess," I added bitterly.

Jessica tried to apologise, but I could sense the underlying anger in her voice. "This isn't fair though, I can't be the only one to blame. You didn't intervene either," she retorted.

I couldn't take it anymore. "Oh, I'm not having this right now," I said as I pulled the blanket over my head and closed my eyes, hoping to block out the tension between us.

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