Chapter 21: Period Pressure

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It was a relief that Levi had been expelled from the school. I couldn't help but feel grateful for Mr. Smith's intervention. I was looking forward to going back to my normal life, but little did I know that my body had other plans.

During Thanksgiving break, I started feeling off. I would get sudden cramps in my stomach and feel lightheaded. At first, I thought it was just stress, but the next day, I woke up for school, and that's when I realised something was wrong.

As I was getting dressed, I noticed a bloodstain on my underwear. Panic set in, and I shouted for Marie. "Marie, I need help, please!" She rushed up the stairs, asking what was wrong. "I think I'm having my first period," I replied, feeling embarrassed and confused.

Marie's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, I didn't know that was possible," she said. "Yeah, me neither," I replied.

I needed pads and tampons, but I didn't know how to ask for them. "Hey, Jack," Marie called out. "Can you get some period pads for Heather?" Jack seemed taken aback for a moment, but then he nodded and left for the pharmacy.

As I waited for Jack to return, I couldn't help but think about how strange this all was. I was a guy, and I had never experienced anything like this before. Jack came back with the pads, tampons, and even painkillers, just in case I needed them.

"Thanks, Jack," I said, feeling grateful for his help. "No problem, Heather," he replied with a smile.

As daunting as it was, I knew I couldn't let my first period defeat me. So, I packed some pads in my backpack and headed to school. The day was long and tiring, but I managed to make it through. However, the bleeding continued for a week, leaving me feeling drained and weak. Eventually, it subsided, and I was left to navigate this new aspect of my life. According to Mr. Smith, these periods will happen on a monthly basis from now on.

I was eagerly waiting for Christmas break to start, and I was excited that my birthday was on the same day as the start of the break. During lunch, Jessica suggested that I should get back into the dating scene.

"How are things going on with you and Darren?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, we broke up a while back," she replied. "We didn't really have feelings for each other."

Emily chimed in, "Hey, how about today after school we go to the mall and check out some guys?"

"That sounds fun," Charlotte added. "Maybe we'll get lucky."

After school, we met up at the mall and went straight to the boba store. I ordered some boba for the girls, and we walked around the mall checking out every guy that crossed our path.

"Oh my god, check out that one!" Jessica exclaimed, pointing at a tall, muscular guy walking past us.

"He's hot, but he looks like he's in a rush," Emily said, looking disappointed.

We continued walking, eyeing every guy that caught our attention.

"Ooh, that one's cute," I said, pointing at a guy with messy blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"Go talk to him!" Charlotte urged me, but I shook my head, feeling too nervous.

After a while, we gave up and decided to go watch a chick flick. As we walked towards the theater, we noticed a group of guys standing outside a clothing store.

"Hey, maybe we should go check out those guys over there," Emily suggested, pointing towards the group.

We hesitated for a moment, but then decided to go check them out. As we got closer, we could see that they were all laughing and joking around.

"Hey, what's up?" Jessica said, approaching the group with a smile.

One of the guys turned to look at us, and my heart skipped a beat. He was tall, with dark hair and piercing green eyes.

"Hey, not much. Just hanging out," he replied, grinning at us.

We introduced ourselves, and the guys invited us to hang out with them for a while. We ended up having a great time, laughing and joking around with them.

As the day drew to a close, we exchanged phone numbers with the guys and promised to hang out again soon. I felt a rush of excitement as we walked out of the mall, eager to see where this new adventure would take us.

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