Chapter 31: Spring Fun

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As the spring break began, Jessica invited me to hang out at her place. We had just finished our exams and were looking forward to some much-needed relaxation. As we lounged on her couch, she suddenly suggested, "Hey, want to go swimming today? I'll call the other girls."

I hesitated. "Yeah, okay, but I don't have a swimsuit."

"Fuck that, you're wearing a bikini," she said, kissing me.

I blushed. "Uh, no way. I'm not going to wear a bikini."

"Come on, Bryan, you'll look cute," she coaxed.

She called up Emily, Ava, and Charlotte, and soon we were on our way to a waterpark. I packed a bag and hoped that I could avoid the dreaded bikini situation.

"Okay, girls, first line of action: we're getting Heather a bikini," Jessica announced as we arrived.

I groaned inwardly, feeling embarrassed. I waited outside the store while they picked out a bikini for me.

Finally, they emerged with a bright pink bikini with thin spaghetti straps and a revealing triangle top. The bottoms were equally skimpy, with a high-waisted cut that showed off most of my backside.

I sighed, feeling self-conscious. "I don't know if I can wear this."

"Of course you can," Jessica said, giving me a reassuring hug. "You look amazing."

I felt a flicker of confidence and followed the girls to the changing room. As they changed into their swimsuits, I took a deep breath and slipped into my bikini.

As I stepped out of the changing room, I could feel the cool air against my bare skin. The bikini Jessica had picked out for me was definitely not something I would have chosen for myself.

Jessica and the other girls gasped in excitement as I walked towards them. "Damn, Heather, you look hot!" Emily exclaimed. Ava and Charlotte nodded in agreement.

I blushed at their comments and couldn't help but feel self-conscious about my body. "Are you sure this bikini isn't too revealing?" I asked Jessica.

"Nonsense, girl! You look amazing. Don't be shy," she replied with a wink.

As we entered the waterpark, I could feel eyes on me, guys and girls alike turning to stare at my curvaceous figure. It made me feel both embarrassed and flattered at the same time. Jessica and the others were all smiles and seemed to be enjoying themselves, but I couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable.

As the day went on, I grew more accustomed to the stares and attention. I even found myself enjoying it a little bit. More than 20 guys came up to me, asking for my number and telling me how beautiful I looked.

By the end of the day, I was exhausted and ready to go home. As we changed back into our regular clothes, Jessica turned to me and said, "You know, Heather, you really do have an amazing ass. I think I might be a little jealous!"

The drive home was quiet at first, everyone tired from the day's activities. But soon enough, we started chatting about our favourite parts of the day.

"I loved the lazy river," Charlotte said with a smile. "Just floating along and taking in the scenery was so relaxing."

"Yeah, but did you see those guys checking us out?" Emily chimed in. "I felt like such a celebrity!"

Jessica laughed. "Yeah, Heather was getting all the attention today. I think we need to take her out in a bikini more often!"

I blushed at the comment, feeling a mix of embarrassment and pride. "You guys are too much," I said with a laugh.

As we drove back to Jessica's house, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the girls and the fun day we had.

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