Chapter 5: Socialising

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I got out of the car and took a deep breath before heading towards the park. I put on my AirPods and started playing some music to calm my nerves. As I walked around the park, I remembered how I never really socialised as Bryan. I thought becoming Heather could show me what it's like to socialise, even though the main reason I became Heather was for the study. It could feel good to have tons of friends, and maybe even find someone special.

As I walked closer to the soccer field, I saw a group of guys playing. It was my old group of friends from school, Harry, Josh, and Daniel. I hadn't seen them in ages, the last time being on the last day of school. After that, I went to camp, and now that I'm Heather, they surely won't recognise me. I had to keep it that way.

I decided to go to the field and watch them from afar. I couldn't risk them recognising me. I walked to the field, but my legs were killing me. Walking in heels sucked. I could see them playing and could hear Harry shouting while they were playing. I sat down on the grass in the park and took off my heels. I watched my friends play, knowing I couldn't join in. I tried to be as low-key as possible, but I guess I wasn't as subtle as I thought.

Daniel looked at me staring at them and came up to me, "Hey, do you wanna play?" he asked.

I hesitated before responding, "Umm, I don't know. I am not wearing suitable shoes, and there is no way I'm playing in heels," I said, hoping my voice didn't give away my true identity.

"Oh, okay. Anyways, I'm Daniel," he said, pointing to himself. "This is Harry and Josh."

I laughed in my head that my own friends didn't recognise me. This meant my disguise was going to work, and this study could be a success. I said, "Hi, I'm Heather. I'm new in town."

Daniel being the flirt he is said, "If you ever want me to show you around town, you can find me here."

I thought to myself, eww my own friend thinks I am cute... but I blushed, trying to be as polite as possible, "Sure, maybe someday."

As I lay in the grass, watching my old friends play soccer, my mind was racing with thoughts. I couldn't believe that I had managed to fool them into thinking I was someone else. But the comment from Daniel about finding me cute was making me feel uneasy. I tried to push it out of my head and focus on the moment.

After a while, I realised it was time to go. I called my brother Darryl and asked him to come and pick me up. As he drove me home, I had a sudden urge to go to the mall. "Darryl, can we stop by the mall real quick? I need to buy some stuff," I said.

Darryl rolled his eyes, "What stuff? Can't it wait until tomorrow?"

"No, I need to buy some bras and panties. Please, Darryl?" I begged, making puppy dog eyes at him.

Darryl groaned, "Fine, but make it quick."

We arrived at the mall, and I went straight to the clothing store. I browsed through the racks, picking out various pieces of lingerie. As I walked up to the counter, I pulled out a credit card that Mr. Smith had given me.

The cashier scanned my items and handed me a bag. "Thank you for shopping with us," she said with a smile.

I turned to Darryl, "Thanks for taking me here. I bought you a t-shirt," I said, handing him a bag.

He looked at me skeptically, "Why are you buying me a t-shirt?"

"Just because," I replied, shrugging.

As we drove home, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Darryl's support. "Thanks for being a great brother," I said, hugging him.

"It's still weird hugging you as a girl," he said, laughing.

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