Chapter 24: Christmas Surprises

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The next day was Christmas, and the entire family was gathered together to celebrate. My uncle, aunt, and cousins surprised Mee Maw and Pop Pop by showing up unannounced. None of them knew about my transition or the government study that led me to it.

I was sitting at the table sipping my coffee in my nightdress when they walked into the house. "Aunt Maddy?" I asked, trying to get her attention. She turned around and looked at me, a confused expression on her face. "Who are you? Do I know you?" she asked.

Then Uncle Sam walked in and asked, "Hey, who are you?" My mother heard us and quickly came downstairs. "Hey, Maddy! Hey, Sam! I didn't know you guys were coming," she said, surprised to see them. "Oh, Jennifer, I didn't know you guys were coming either," Maddy replied, still looking at me with confusion.

My mother noticed Maddy's confusion and asked, "Who's this, Jenn?" as they all took a seat on the couch. My cousins walked in behind them, looking at me with the same confusion on their faces.

Mee Maw and Pop Pop soon entered the living room, and everyone got up to hug them. Darryl and Dad emerged from their rooms and joined us as well. We all sat down, and my mother cleared her throat. "I didn't tell you guys this before, but a few months ago, we were offered an agreement," she began, "If Bryan helped the board of education conduct a study, they would give him guaranteed admission to MIT and also pay us a huge amount."

Everyone's eyes widened in surprise, and my mother gestured towards me. "So that girl sitting there right now is Bryan," she said, pointing at me. I gave them an awkward wave, unsure of how they would react.

Maddy was the first to break the silence. "Really?" she asked, still in disbelief. "I can't believe it. Bryan, you've changed so much," she added, trying to come to terms with the situation.

My cousins were staring at me, trying to figure out how I had changed. Andrew, my oldest cousin at 24, finally spoke up. "So, you're a girl now?" he asked, trying to hide his amusement.

Selena, who was around my age at 18, nodded her head and giggled. "I never would have guessed," she said, giving me a playful smile.

Jayden, who was 15, was the only one who seemed genuinely surprised. "Wow, that's crazy," he said, shaking his head in disbelief.

I could feel myself blushing with embarrassment as everyone continued to stare at me.

After spending some time indoors, we decided to go outside and enjoy the snow. Andrew, took the opportunity to ask me a personal question. "So, you like being a girl or is this just for the study?" he asked, with a curious expression on his face.

I took a moment to think before answering, "Oh, definitely just for the study. I would turn back at any given moment," I replied, trying to make light of the situation.

Selena, chimed in and said, "Well, in a family full of guys, it's good to have another girl around here." I smiled at her comment.

But Andrew wasn't done with his questions yet. "So, are you gay?" he asked.

Selena immediately hit him on the arm and said, "Hey, that's rude! You can't just ask people that." I said, "Oh no, don't worry, I'm into girls."

As we chatted, Aunt Maddy and my mom were having their own conversation about me. Aunt Maddy asked, "So has it been difficult for you guys and him or her?"

My mom replied, "Oh, it hasn't been an inconvenience. Bryan has to live in another house with his fake parents, but I completely trust Jack and Marie. They are sweethearts."

Maddy then asked, "What if Bryan wants to stay as Heather after the study? What will you guys do then?"

My mom responded confidently, "Oh, no. Bryan has made it clear that it's just for this study, and even if he changes his mind, it won't change how we feel about him. I've always wanted a daughter, anyways," she laughed.

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