Chapter 11: The Nail salon

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Jessica grabbed her keys and headed towards the door. "Oh, there is no way you're driving," I said. "Ugh, fine," she replied, dialling her driver's number. We climbed into the car and drove to the nail salon. As we walked in, the owner, Mallory, greeted Jessica with a hug. "Hey girl, how's your mother doing?" she asked.

"She's doing well, thanks for asking," Jessica replied. "Hey, we're here for a spa night. Can you hook us up?"

Mallory looked at all of us and said, "Hey, I haven't seen you here before," pointing at me. "Ummm, I'm new in town," I said.

"Oh, okay. What's your name?" Mallory asked.

"It's Heather," I replied.

"Okay, Heather, get ready to be pampered like a queen tonight," Mallory said with a smile.

I thought to myself, I should have never come to this sleepover. I don't enjoy this girly stuff. I'd rather be at home doing something else. But I decided to commit to the character.

As we settled into our seats, the woman attending to us asked, "So, how do you want your nails?" I was taken aback by the question and looked at Jessica for guidance. She smiled and said, "I think Heather would look great with pastel pink nails."

The woman nodded and began working on my nails, adding extensions and carefully painting them. As she worked, I couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy. It was my first time getting my nails done and the sensation of having them on felt foreign and uncomfortable.

After our nails were done, we moved on to facials and massages. The spa music was soothing and the warm towels felt heavenly on my skin.

We were finally done with our spa night and as we headed back to Jessica's house, I could feel my eyes drooping. It was already 2 am and we were all tired from our girly pampering session. As soon as we got back, we all collapsed into our sleeping bags and drifted off into a deep sleep.

The next morning, I woke up feeling refreshed and energised. The sun was shining bright through the window and the birds were chirping. As I looked around, I saw that the other girls were still asleep. I got up and stretched, feeling grateful for the fun night we had.

A few hours later, we all got up and had a lazy breakfast together. Jessica's chef had made us some pancakes and bacon, which we devoured in no time. As we were packing our bags to leave, Jessica turned to us and said jokingly, "Hey, what happens at the sleepover, stays at the sleepover, right?"

We all laughed and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, definitely," I said, smiling. "Thanks for such an awesome night, guys. I had a blast."

I walked into my house and immediately headed for the bathroom to wash off the remnants of the spa night. After the shower, I walked out shirtless and found Darryl standing outside. "Woah, Bryan, wear a shirt. You have your tits out," he said, clearly taken aback. "Oh, fuck. I completely forgot," I replied, trying to laugh it off awkwardly.

As I put a shirt on, Darryl couldn't help but notice my newly done nails. "Hey, did you get your nails done or something? I thought you didn't like girly stuff," he asked. "Yeah, about that. The girls kinda forced me to," I replied, feeling a little embarrassed.

We went downstairs to get a snack, and I decided to break the news about the kiss to Darryl. "Oh yeah, BTW, I kissed a girl last night," I said nonchalantly. Darryl raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Look at you, little Bryan, growing up. Or should I say little Heather?" he said with a chuckle.

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