Chapter 8: Tour of the Town

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As I saw Jessica's car pull up in my driveway, I grabbed my purse and walked outside to meet her. I couldn't help but notice how expensive her car was as I got in. "Hey, Jess," I said, smiling at her.

"Hey, Heather, get in," she replied, starting the car.

I sat down in the passenger seat and looked around, admiring the luxurious interior. "Wow, this car is amazing," I said, impressed.

Jessica chuckled. "Yeah, my mom got it for me for my 16th birthday."

As we drove around, Jessica showed me all the cool spots in town that I had never seen before. It was fun to discover new places, even though I had lived in town my whole life.

As we drove, we talked about all sorts of things. We started with boys, I had to come up with a story and I told Jessica about my crush on Levi, one of the popular kids at school. "He's so cute, but I don't think he knows I exist," I sighed.

Jessica laughed. "Don't worry, Heather. I'll help you get noticed."

We then moved on to discussing our favourite movies and TV shows. Jessica told me all about Euphoria, which I had never heard of before. "It's amazing, you have to watch it," she gushed.

"I'll definitely check it out," I said, making a mental note to look it up later.

As we drove around town, Jessica and I chatted about everything under the sun. We talked about boys, movies, and shows. Jessica mentioned that she usually didn't get close with new students, but something about me made her want to be friends.

"You know, Heather, you're not like most of the girls in this town. You have this aura about you that makes you stand out. You're the prettiest girl I know, after me of course," she said with a laugh. "And you're also the smartest person I know. I'm not just saying that because you're my friend."

I blushed at her words. "Thanks, Jess. That means a lot coming from you. I don't really fit in with the popular crowd, so it's nice to have someone like you as a friend."

Jessica smiled. "Don't worry about fitting in, Heather. You're perfect just the way you are. Plus, the popular crowd can be overrated sometimes."

We continued driving around town, exploring new places and sharing stories. Jessica told me about her family and how her parents were strict but supportive. I talked about my life in my old town and how I missed my friends, but was excited to start fresh in this new place.

As the sun began to set, we headed back to my new house. Jessica dropped me off at the driveway and we said our goodbyes.

"Thanks for the tour, Jess. I had a great time," I said. "Anytime, Heather." she replied with a smile.

Jessica drove me back home and pulled up in front of my house. I got out of the car and waved goodbye to her. As I turned around to head inside, she honked the horn to get my attention.

"Hey, Heather!" she called out from the car.

I turned back around and walked over to her. "Yeah?" I asked.

"Are you gonna come for the sleepover?" she asked, a hopeful look on her face.

I smiled. "Oh yeah, count me in," I replied.

"Awesome! Can't wait!" she said, before rolling up her window and driving off into the night.

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