Chapter - 3 I want to find my house.

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Chapter 3

The next day, I woke up with the same nightmare of the horrible car accident that took my parents away from me. I've been having that nightmare since I lost my parents, for the past eight and a half years. It always wakes me up, saying NO or DON'T LEAVE ME... that's one of the reasons why I'm acutely aware of that accident. As usual, I woke up saying loudly NO...

After calming down, I went inside, freshened up, and got ready for school. It was reflected on my face that I had barely slept last night outside the house - dark circles, red eyes, and mosquito bites on my body showed it all. I had breakfast with taunts, and I insisted that Alex drop me off at school. We went to school together.

Alex always had my back. No matter what the situation was, he was always there to support me. As we were walking, he said, "You didn't sleep well last night, did you?"

"Yes, you're right... because of mosquitoes... they are just disgusting... I was scratching myself all night," I replied with irritation in my voice.

He laughed and, as all brothers do, made fun of me. Suddenly, he asked, "So, you have something to tell me! Am I right, Rose?"

"Yes, Alex... actually... I want to find my parents' house, my real house..."

"I've searched this whole city... but I failed... please help me, Alex," I said.

"But why do you suddenly want to find that house? I mean, what's the reason behind doing all this?" he asked.

"It's... I don't know, Alex, but I want to find my house," I replied with a slightly teary voice.

"Okay, don't be emotional. I'll help you find that house," he said. He could never see me sad.

"Thank you so much, Brother. You don't know what you've agreed to do for me. Thank you," I replied with happiness overflowing.

He really didn't know what he was doing for me. We reached school while talking.

"Be good and have a good day, Little," he said, waving his hand at me.

"Yeah... B-bye," I replied, waving my hand too.

After entering school, I sat in my regular spot at the back of the classroom, in the third seat from the last row by the window. The professor was teaching, but I found myself staring outside, lost in my thoughts.

Every day, I missed my parents and tried to remember every detail of the time spent with them. Those memories were precious to me, and I wanted to remember everything about each day spent with them. The reason I wanted to find my house was...

Suddenly, a chalk hit my forehead, interrupting my thoughts. The professor had thrown it at me because I wasn't paying attention in class.

"Hey Miss...R...Smith...what's your name...Miss...Amher..." he struggled to remember my name. "Rose Amherst, what are you looking at outside? You're not paying attention. Do you even know what I just taught?"

"Yes, sir, if I'm not mistaken, you were talking about scientific laws," I replied.

"Yes, so tell me Miss Amherst, what are scientific laws?" he questioned sarcastically, knowing I wouldn't be able to answer.

"Scientific laws are statements based on repeated experiments or observations that describe or predict a range of natural phenomena," I answered.

"But that's not the statement I just made in class," he said.

"But both statements indicate the same thing," I retorted, knowing I was going to be the source of entertainment for the whole class. The professor never let me win.

"Okay, tell me, what are the five scientific laws?" he challenged me.

"Hooke's Law of Elasticity, Archimedes' Principle of Buoyancy, Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures, Bernoulli's Law of Fluid Dynamics, and Fourier's Law of Heat Conduction," I replied.

"What are the Archimedes principle and the Bernoulli principle?" he continued to question.

"Archimedes' principle states that any object partially or completely submerged in a fluid experiences an upward force equal in magnitude to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. Bernoulli's principle states that the pressure in a fluid decreases as the fluid's velocity increases," I answered.

The battle continued, and no one wanted to give up, not even the egoistic professor. The whole class was stunned, watching the quiet kid speak the most that day and have a battle with the professor. Today was the first lecture on this topic, and he was asking questions from the entire syllabus I had learned in my entire life. It was like I was having my final exam viva, and this professor definitely wanted to fail me.

At one point, I even thought about punching him in the face as hard as I could, but eventually, he stopped and told me to be more attentive and not to look outside all the time. He even tapped my shoulder for giving such convincing answers. Thankfully, he stopped; otherwise, his tooth would have been knocked out of his mouth.

And now, I don't know why, but I became his favorite student. In my vision, a favorite student means you have to agree with your teacher in every condition, whether it is right or wrong. In short, you were known as the teacher's pet. And seriously, I have no interest in becoming anyone's pet, not even a teacher's. Anyone likes it or not, but that's me.

The school was dismissed, and I headed towards the house. Alex was already here with his best friend to pick me up. I waved a hand at both of them and headed towards them.
"Alex, you're here already... Hey Jemmy, how are you?"
With a sweet smile, Jemmy replied, "I'm good, Rose... and I know you were feeling a little nauseous. Don't worry, I'm... we're here for you."
In reply, I smiled at him.

Alex raised one eyebrow and made a teasing face.
"Just wanted to pick you up, and maybe someone wanted to see you."
With a flat, annoyed face, I said, "Really!?!".
He always wanted to set me up with his best friend, and I told him like thousands of times that I'm not interested. He's just my good friend, and that's because of him. Jemmy is a good human, but it doesn't mean that I'll make up with him. This is a ridiculous thought, and my taste in men is a little bit different.

Soon we went to the cafe because I was starving to death. I was too hungry, so I ate until I was full.
"Alex!?!" "Yes, Rose?" "Did you think about that?"

"About that house!?..Yes, I've already started working on it, but I need more information. You have to make it clear what the house looks like, the design, the nearby places..."

How could he just spill all these things in front of Jemmy, who barely knows about it. I was trying to have a conversation with Alex about that without mentioning anything. But this man... seriously.
I looked at him in a way to make him realize that he spoke nearly everything in front of his friend.
"Why are you looking at me like that!?!..Oh well... He knows everything about that, and he's helping me to clear things," he spoke, convincing me.

"Oh okay then... You both please help me to find it...and I'll give you each and every information that I have regarding this.
" Alex said, "It may take time, Rose."

"Alex, please take it as my birthday wish. Take time, but please help me find my house. I really want to find something that is truly mine."

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