Chapter 29:- Twisted Tale

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Rose's POV

My heart pounded in my chest as George's words hung in the air, heavy and threatening.

I stared at him, fury and fear battling for dominance within me. The ropes cut into my skin as I struggled, but the binds were too tight.

I could feel the adrenaline surging through me, my mind racing to find a way out of this nightmare.

Think, Rose. There has to be a way.

George stepped back, satisfied with the fear he had instilled in me. The guards who had tied me down were still recovering from the injuries I'd inflicted, glaring at me with a mix of pain and resentment.

They were cautious now, moving around me like I was a caged animal ready to strike.

I couldn't afford to let fear cloud my judgment. I had to stay sharp, focused. But every time I looked at George, the image of my parents' murder flashed in my mind. The thought of their deaths, orchestrated by this man, made my blood boil.

"You think killing me will solve all your problems?" I spat, my voice dripping with venom. "You think you'll get away with it? You're a fool if you believe that."

George smirked, clearly unfazed by my words. "You always did have a sharp tongue, just like your father. But look where that got him. And soon, you'll join him."

A wave of rage surged through me, but I forced myself to remain calm. I couldn't afford to lose control now.

I needed to buy time, to think of a plan. I glanced around the room, searching for anything that could help me. The chair creaked under me as I shifted slightly, testing the strength of the ropes. They were tight, but not unbreakable.

If I could just distract him long enough...

"Why now, George?" I asked, trying to keep him talking. "You had your chance to kill me years ago. Why wait until now?"

George leaned in closer, his cold eyes locking onto mine as he continued his twisted tale.
"You know, Rose," he began, his voice dripping with contempt,
"this isn't the first time I've tried to get rid of you. When you were just a child, you were already a threat, though not a serious one-yet. But I knew that one day, you could become a significant problem. So, I decided to nip it in the bud."

I stared at him, anger and confusion swirling within me.

What was he talking about?

"see," he continued,
"I arranged for you to be adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Smith. A cruel family, weren't they?
I handpicked them for their ability to give you a traumatic childhood. I wanted your life to be so miserable that you'd be too consumed with your own pain to ever think about what really happened to your parents. But you-"
he paused, his expression darkening,
"you managed to escape. You studied hard, got out from under their thumb, and then, as fate would have it, Alestor came back into your life."

My mind raced, trying to process the revelation. I had always known my childhood was a nightmare, but to hear that George had orchestrated it all?

It was like a punch to the gut. Is he the same George I used to love like a family in my childhood?

"Alestor," George said, his tone laced with disdain,
"provided you with the pieces of information you needed.You started digging, uncovering things you were never meant to find. You even managed to hunt down and... deal with the second man who had caused the accident that ended your parents' lives." He smirked, as if impressed by my determination.
"That's when you became a serious threat to me, Rose. And I couldn't allow that."

I clenched my fists, the ropes biting into my skin, but the pain was nothing compared to the rage boiling inside me. George had been behind it all. My parents, my childhood, the attempts on my life-it all led back to him.

"Do you remember Charles?" George asked, his voice suddenly quiet. "The attack on Alestor's private plane? That was my doing too. I sent Charles to eliminate you, but you came out unscathed. And Alestor-" he chuckled darkly -"Alestor's man ended Charles without hesitation. It's strange, isn't it? How Charles and Alestor were always enemies, but Alestor never dealt with him permanently. Yet the moment Charles posed a threat to you, Alestor took him out without wasting a second." He continues,

"Alestor... He doesn't even know it was me all the time. He just thinks I'm a nice man who provided him everything after your parents were gone and you were..." He said in a mocking tone, "lost".

I remembered that day on the jet all too well. The chaos, the gunfire, and Alestor's calm efficiency in handling the situation. I had survived, but I hadn't known the full extent of the danger I was in.

That day I didn't get to eat my popcorn peacefully!

"Every time I sent men to harm you," George said, his tone bitter, "Alestor was there, either directly or indirectly, to protect you. And you-you always managed to save yourself, just like when you were eight years old."

The memory of that night flashed through my mind, vivid and painful. My parents' car had crashed, their bodies lifeless in front of me. I had been trapped, crying, when two men approached, discussing what to do with the "girl who was still alive."

Anger had surged through my young body then, a burning desire for revenge.

When one of the men kneeled in front of me, ready to finish what they had started, I grabbed a piece of broken glass and drove it into his eye.

His scream still echoed in my mind, a sound of agony that I would never forget.

The other man, too shocked and terrified by my actions, had frozen in place. Just then, the police arrived, and the second man had fled, leaving his injured partner behind.

I looked up at George, my hatred for him solidifying into something cold and unyielding. "You tried to destroy me," I said, my voice steady despite the storm of emotions raging within me. "But you failed. Every time, you failed!."

George's smile faded, replaced by a look of irritation. "Perhaps," he conceded, his low, "but this time, Rose, there will be no escape. You may have survived before, but now-now, you're completely at my mercy."

He leaned back, satisfaction returning to his face. "Plus, you have stalker thing going on, haven't you? So everyone will think that you're kidnapped and killed by your stalker. Or people will think you ran off.. vanished to be safe from the murders you did." He smiled, "and I'll be out of picture and safe from accusations. I've waited a long time for this, Rose. The moment when you would finally be out of the picture. Permanently."

I kept my gaze locked on his, forcing to stay composed. "You're underestimating me, George. You may have taken everything from me once- my family, my childhood, my peace of mind, but I won't let you do it again."

George laughed, a cruel, hollow sound. "You've always been stubborn, Rose. It's one of your more endearing qualities. But it won't save you this time."

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