Chapter 34:- Ashes

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Alestor's POV

The night air outside was heavy, laden with the acrid scent of smoke and the distant crackling of flames.

But it wasn’t just the fire that weighed on me—it was the cold, gnawing dread that had settled deep in my chest, a dread that had been growing since I left Rose behind.

I could barely hear the crackle of the fire over the rush of blood in my ears, every step I took feeling like a step further away from her, from everything I should be protecting.

Five minutes. Not a second longer.

Words echoed in my mind, relentless and unforgiving. But each second that passed felt like an eternity. I should never have agreed to leave her alone in that room with George.

But her eyes had been so determined, her voice so sure… How could I have refused her?

I knew Rose well enough to understand that when she made up her mind, nothing could change it. But that didn’t stop the doubts, the fears, from tearing me apart.

Harry stumbled beside me, his feet dragging as if every step cost him something precious. He hadn’t said a word since we left the room, his face pale and stricken.

I didn’t blame him. The events of the night had been enough to shake anyone to their core. But right now, I couldn’t afford to think about Harry’s trauma. My mind was fixated on Rose, on the hell I had left her in.

The flames were rising, growing louder, hungrier, the building itself groaning under the heat. We were running out of time, and she wasn’t here yet.

I forced myself to keep moving, each step a battle against the instinct to turn around, to run back to her, to drag her out of that place whether she wanted to come or not.

Finally, we reached the edge of the clearing, where I’d parked the car. The flames were casting an eerie, orange glow over the scene, turning the night into a twisted, hellish landscape.

I could feel the heat even from here, could hear the faint roar of the fire as it devoured everything in its path.

“Alestor…” Harry’s voice was faint, almost lost in the din, but I heard it nonetheless.

It was filled with fear, with the desperate hope that I could provide some reassurance, some sign that things would be alright. But I couldn’t give him that.

Not now. Not when Rose was still in there.

“Get in the car, Harry,” I ordered, my voice sounding harsher than I intended. But I couldn’t help it. My nerves were frayed, my patience thin. Every second felt like a countdown to disaster.

Harry hesitated, his wide eyes flicking between me and the inferno behind us. “But Rose… she’s still…”

“I know,” I snapped, cutting him off.
“But you need to be safe. Now get in the car.”

It's only because Rose wants that. Otherwise i would've thrown the person in that fire who Made Rose accused of Crimes she never did and hurted Alex on the verge that he's in Coma.

He looked like he wanted to argue, to resist, but something in my expression must have convinced him otherwise.

Slowly, reluctantly, he climbed into the passenger seat, his movements stiff and jerky, like a marionette with tangled strings.

I slammed the door shut, my breath coming in ragged gasps as I tried to focus, tried to figure out what the hell I was supposed to do.

Five minutes, she had said. But it felt like an eternity had passed, and she still wasn’t here.

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