Chapter 27:- Abducted

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Alestor's POV

It had been two agonizing days since Alex's accident, and the weight of the situation was pressing down on me more heavily than I could have ever imagined.

Watching Rose crumble under the stress of her brother's condition was heart-wrenching. Alex, her only family, lay in a hospital bed in a coma with no guarantee of waking up. Each day felt like an eternity, filled with an unbearable mixture of hope and dread.

The past two days had been a blur of hospital visits and sleepless nights. My own sadness was a constant, gnawing ache in my chest, but seeing Rose-my dear Rose-in such distress was far worse.

She was a shell of her former self, her eyes dull and haunted by the fear and uncertainty that plagued her. She would sit by Alex's bedside for hours, holding his hand and whispering words of encouragement, though it was unclear if he could hear her.

Rose, my Rose, has been a shell of herself since the accident. Her usual brightness, the spark that makes her who she is, has dimmed. She barely eats, sleeps restlessly, and every time she looks at Alex, I see the heartbreak in her eyes.

Her pain is palpable, and it tears at my heart to see her like this. She's always been so strong, so resilient, but this has shaken her to her core.

She tried to be strong, but the cracks in her façade were all too visible to me. I wanted to do everything in my power to take away her pain, but all I could do was be there, a silent pillar of support.

I'm in the kitchen, making some snacks for her. It's a small thing, but I hope it brings her a bit of comfort. As I chop vegetables and prepare a simple meal, my mind wanders back to the cause of all this turmoil: Jemmy.

As if dealing with Alex's accident wasn't enough, there was another layer of darkness that had been shadowing Rose's life for months:

her stalker, Jemmy. the bane of my existence, or as I like to call him, "Jam bread"-a fitting nickname for someone who oozes trouble as effortlessly as jam spreads on toast.

He's been stalking Rose for months, sending her threatening messages and causing her endless distress. His obsession with her is unhealthy, and the lengths he's gone to are nothing short of madness.

Funny story, if you can find humor in our grim situation. That night, Jam Bread had the audacity to sneak out of my basement, my personalized hell for people like him, with the help of one of my own guards.

That guard, a traitor, helped him escape. I dealt with the guard swiftly; he got a fitting end for a betrayer. But Jam Bread, he thought he could slither away unnoticed. These guys, who clearly had more muscles than brains, thought they could outsmart me. The billionaire Mafia king. Little did they know, I've got eyes everywhere.

But Jam Bread was back where he belonged-locked in my personalized hell, my basement. He's not getting out again, not on my watch. And as for the guard who betrayed me? He's in God's hell now, where he rightfully belongs. Traitors have no place in my world.

Rose doesn't know that Jemmy is the stalker. The last note he left with the flowers was the final piece of his twisted game.

I caught him right after he placed that note on her desk, but she found it the next morning. When she didn't got any note, any Message and that shadowy figure near oak tree, She thinks the stalker has found other prey or given up.

She's been more relaxed since then, not knowing the real reason for his sudden silence. It was a brief moment of relief for her, a small respite in the storm, and I haven't had the heart to shatter that fragile peace.

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