Chapter 38:- Final Descent

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Alestor's POV

The days that followed were a blur—a haze of relief, exhaustion, and an overwhelming sense of fragility that permeated every moment.

Each morning, the sunlight that filtered through the large windows of the mansion felt warmer, less harsh than before, as if the world itself had finally taken a breath after holding it for far too long.

Rose was better now, both physically and mentally.

The color had returned to her cheeks, her steps were more confident, and the shadows that had once haunted her eyes seemed to fade—though not entirely, but enough to give her the strength to move forward.

The pain, the memories, they were still there, lurking in the corners of her mind like ghosts that refused to be exorcised. But she was no longer drowning in them. She was fighting, and for now, that was enough.

I watched her from across the room as she sat by the window, a book in her lap, though I doubted she was reading it. Her gaze was distant, lost in thought, yet there was a softness to her now—a quiet strength that had been missing for so long.

She looked up and caught me staring, offering me a small smile that sent a familiar warmth through my chest.

“What are you thinking about, Asher?”

she asked softly, using the nickname she’d reserved for me since we were kids. It was a simple thing, but every time she said it, I felt blessed—as if the universe had given me a gift that I didn’t deserve.

Whoever said men never get butterflies?

Here I am with an entire zoo.

The way she called me "Asher" made me feel like I was getting back the Rose I had first met when we were just ten and eight years old—innocent, unburdened by the weight of the world. It was a small piece of the past that we could still hold onto.

I walked over and sat beside her on the wide window seat. The view outside was peaceful, the gardens in full bloom, and for a moment, I just let myself appreciate the calm.
“Just… everything,” I replied quietly. “How far we’ve come. How different things feel now.”

She nodded, her fingers absently tracing the spine of the book.
“It feels like a lifetime ago,” she murmured, her voice tinged with nostalgia.
“But at the same time, it’s like it all happened yesterday.”

I reached out, taking her hand in mine. The contact was grounding, a reminder that despite everything, we were still here.
“You’re stronger than you know, Rose.”

She squeezed my hand, her smile more genuine this time.
“I had good support,” she said, her eyes meeting mine with a depth of gratitude that filled me with a sense of purpose.

But reality had a way of intruding, even in our moments of peace.

Harry had surrendered to the police a few days ago. The news had come quietly, almost ashamed to announce itself with any fanfare.

I hadn’t been surprised. The regret on Harry's face that night was unmistakable, gnawing at him until he sought some form of redemption, even if it meant giving up his freedom.

Rose took the news with a quiet acceptance, though I could see it affected her. After everything they’d been through—the betrayal, the anger, the twisted web of lies—it was hard to know how to feel about Harry's decision.

Part of me was relieved; at least now he wouldn't be a threat anymore. But another part of me couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

He’d been manipulated, used as a pawn in someone else's game, and now he was paying the price for it.

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⏰ Last updated: 17 hours ago ⏰

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