Chapter 28:- A Threat

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Rose's POV

The cold air of the room sent shivers down my spine as I slowly regained consciousness. My head throbbed, and I felt a dull ache radiate through my entire body.

I tried to move, but my limbs felt heavy, almost as if they were weighted down. Panic began to rise within me as I realised I was in an unfamiliar place, tied to a chair.

Where am I? How did I get here?

Fragments of memories slowly began to piece themselves together. I had been on my way back from a meeting with Harry, my mind still preoccupied with thoughts of Alex, when a black limo had pulled up beside me.

As my vision cleared, I realized I was in a small, dimly lit room. The walls were bare, the only furniture a rickety wooden chair I was tied to. Panic surged through me, and I instinctively tried to move, but the ropes binding me were too tight. My heart raced, and I felt a cold sweat break out on my forehead.

The room was dimly lit, with only a single, flickering bulb hanging from the ceiling. Shadows danced on the walls, creating an eerie, unsettling atmosphere.

The air was thick with the scent of dampness and mildew, and I could hear the distant sound of dripping water echoing through the space.

Who would do this? Why?

My thoughts immediately went to Alex. My heart ached at the thought of him lying in a hospital bed, unaware of what had happened to me.

The last few days had been a nightmare, watching him slip into a coma after the accident. The doctors had offered little hope, and I had felt so helpless, unable to do anything but sit by his side and pray for a miracle.

And now this. Another layer of torment added to an already unbearable situation. I forced myself to take deep breaths, trying to calm my racing heart and clear my mind. I needed to stay focused, to think clearly if I had any chance of getting out of here.

Before I could react, the door had flung open, and strong hands had yanked me inside. The fear and confusion of that moment came rushing back, and I struggled against my restraints, trying to free myself.

Just as the fear threatened to overwhelm me, the door creaked. My breath caught in my throat as an old man looks like in his late fifties with grey-black hair and handsome features stepped into the room.

His presence was commanding, and the way he carried himself exuded an air of authority and menace. Behind him, several guards filed in, surrounding the room and making any thoughts of escape seem hopeless.

The old man looked at me with a cold, calculating gaze. There was something familiar about him, a nagging feeling at the back of my mind that I had seen him before. But in my current state of fear and confusion, I struggled to remember where.

He approached me slowly, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "Rose," he said, his voice smooth and chilling. "It's been a while."
"You're all grown up now."

I stared at him, my mind racing to connect the dots.

Who was he? Where had I met him?

The memories felt just out of reach, like shadows dancing on the edge of my consciousness. I could feel the panic rising again, but I forced myself to stay composed. I needed to buy time, to understand what was happening.

"Who are you?" I demanded, my voice shaking despite my efforts to sound brave.

His smile widened, a predatory gleam in his eyes. "Oh, come now. Surely you haven't forgotten me already. After all, you used to like me alot when you were little."

I glared at him, trying to mask my fear with defiance. "Who are you? Why did you kidnap me?

"The man chuckled softly, the sound sending a chill down my spine. "All in good time, my dear. But first, let me assure you that you're in no immediate danger. At least, not yet. For some minutes."

"What do you want from me?"

He raised an eyebrow, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "As for what I want, that's a bit more complicated."

My mind raced, trying to piece together why this man would go to such lengths to kidnap me. "What do you mean? Why are you doing this?"

He took a step closer, his eyes boring into mine with a chilling intensity. "Your very existence, Rose, is enough to awaken the desire to kill you. You are a threat to me."

A threat?

I felt a surge of confusion and fear. "I don't understand. What threat could I possibly pose to you?"

He leaned in, his face mere inches from mine. "You don't need to understand. Just know that as long as you're alive, you pose a danger to everything I've built. And that, my dear, is why you're here."

My mind reeled with his words, trying to make sense of the situation. "Who are you?" I demanded, my voice stronger now despite the fear gripping my heart. "Why do you see me as a threat?"

A guard approached the man and addressed him, "Sir George, everything is in place."

The name hit me like a bolt of lightning, and a wave of recognition washed over me. George Vincent.

My mind reeled with the realization. This was the same George Vincent who had been my father's right-hand man, the one who had betrayed my family.

As far as my investigations had revealed, George was the one who orchestrated my parents' murder, staging it to look like a car accident, all to seize control of my father's Mafia empire and his billion-worth businesses, which some of them Alestor handles now.

Now I get that. My Father was the Mafia king. And I'm the true heiress of everything of my father's wealth. Numerous, multi billion worth companies, the whole Mafia empire. Respect. Power. Everything.

That's why he's scared.
That i would take everything for that he worked so hard by plotting and planning strategies and executing Crimes.

Anger surged through me, hot and fierce, burning away the remnants of fear. I gritted my teeth, my eyes narrowing as I glared at him. "George Vincent," I spat, the name tasting like poison on my tongue.

I threw my free leg at him to break his jaw using my fighting techniques.
But he dodged it and his guard got injured instead of him.
Blood started flowing from his guards mouth.

His eyes narrowed, and his smile widened. "Indeed. A Amherst", he mumbled.
"Ah, so you do remember me. Good. It will make this all the more satisfying."

The other guards immediately started tying my legs too. I resisted, making some of them little injured too but they were four against me.

"How could you?" I demanded, my voice trembling with rage. "You betrayed my family. You killed my parents."

He shrugged nonchalantly, as if discussing the weather. "Your father was a powerful man, Rose. He had many enemies. It was only a matter of time before someone took him down. I just happened to be the one with the most to gain."

The casual way he spoke about their deaths ignited a fire within me. "You betrayed them! They trusted you!"

"And that was their mistake," George replied coolly. "Trust is a weakness. One that I do not possess."

My mind raced, trying to think of a way out, a way to escape. But the guards were vigilant, and George's confidence was unnerving. He had the upper hand, and he knew it.

"Why am I here?" I demanded. "What do you want from me?"

George's eyes gleamed with malice. "You are here because you are a loose end, Rose. A threat to everything I have built. And loose ends need to be tied up." He paused.
"This is not the first time. I tried to make you vanish from earth many times. But you being the lucky one plus you know how to fight plus you've Alestor kid beside you.

But now.." he look straight into my eyes. "You're going to be dead. The threat to my Empire is going to vanish."

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