Chapter 16:- Echoes.

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Rose's POV:-

"I have my own ways, My shining star." He says. And I felt a sudden wave of memories buried under the thick layer of dust.

My Shining Star.

One statement. Three words. Thirteen letters.

Left from his lips,
Blew away all the thick dust rested on that memory.

Back then, i used to think that,
Why he remains so quiet?
Why he never talks ?
Why he never smiles?
Why he look so depressed?
Back then....


"Why he never speak anything, Mumma?"
I asked my mother.

While braiding my hairs, which was her favourite task, she answered me, "lets see it that way. Whenever you're sad, do you talk with anyone?"

"No. I don't feel like talking. And it's like my stomach is upset." I answered.
Grabbing my head and considering it stomach.

"It's head, dear. This is your stomach." She said pointing out towards my little stomach.
I instantly grabbed my stomach.
A chuckle escaped from her mouth.

"Just like that, he is sad. And that's why he Avoid talking." She said.

"Oooo... Mumma, You know he laughed last night. And he looked so cute."

"He did?" She asked with calmness and curiosity in her voice, a smile of hope on her face.

"Yes, last evening. When I was at the backyard. I saw a mosqooto (mosquito) biting my arm. I said to mosqooto that,
'Listen, Mr. Mosqooto. If you keep biting my arm like this, then I'll be loss at blood. And I saw in my cartoon because of loss of blood That green colour aunty (a cartoon character) fainted. And if I faint then my Dad will scold you so bad. If you don't want to be scold by my dad, then don't do it. I'll not be able to rescue you.'

I didn't knew he was standing near until he laughed and when I looked at him he stopped after Two seconds."
I said showing two little fingers to mumma.
And she laughed too a little.

And i looked at her innocently.

"Mumma. Rose do Friendship with A.... Asher."
I tried to say Alestor but it comes out Asher.

Mumma patted my head.
"That's like my Princess. Very good. You should do friendship with him."

"I will share my everything with him, my toys and my chocolates and my books. I will play with him."
I said to mumma.

"Did you finish your homework?"
Mumma asked.

"Yes. Mumma." I said.

"Then go play with him. Here's your chocolate."
Mumma said, giving me two chocolates instead of one.

I take the chocolates hopped out of the bed and Ran towards Asher's room.

His door was not closed completely. I peeked through the space. Checking if he's in his room or not.

"Don't need to peek. Just come in."
His voice was like depressed and neutral. Lacking of any emotions.
But still hearing his voice saying 'come in' a wide smile came across my face.

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