chapter 11

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Wow, the last time i prayed was when my mom passed away and that was at her funeral. When Khwezi prayed, she kinda reminded me of my mother as she was the one who taught us to pray. Khwezi's food was so delicious and out of this food. When we were done eating, I volunteered to put the dishes in the dishwasher while she cleared the table. When I finished putting the dishes in the dishwasher, I grabbed a bottle of water and sat on the couch and watched some TV. A few minutes later, Khwezi came holding her bag, and she looked at me.

Khwezi:"Can we please go?".

Me:"Haw, i thought we were gonna spend a few hours together."

Khwezi:"Well, you thought wrong. Asambe. " She said, then walked out, carrying my car keys. I stood up and followed her. I got in the car and drove out onto the main road. She directed me to her place, and we drove in absolute silence, listening to some songs. We arrived at her place and tried to open the door, but it was locked. She turned and looked at me.

Khwezi:"The door is locked. Please unlock it. "

Me: "No."

Khwezi: "Why? Manqoba, please unlock the door. I really need to go. " I just looked at her and ignored her.

Me:" Manje, ngek' ung'nike inumber yakho?".

Khwezi: "Well, you didn't ask." I chuckled.

Me:"Ngicela unginike inumber yakho wentokazi enhle". I said in a deep Zulu voice. She immediately blushed and looked down. Jackpot. She took out her phone and pressed it a bit, then gave it to me. I entered my number and saved my number as "future bae/husband." She took her phone and stuffed it in her bag without checking it. I unlocked the door, and then she said goodbye and left. I watched her walk off into her until she entered her apartment. After a few minutes, i drove off.


A week had passed, and I was on my way to carry out the "mission." I arrived at the university, and there she was, standing with a group of other girls, which I assumed that they were her friends. I took out my burner phone and texted Beast. I wrote "An eye for an eye"and then destroyed the sim card. I rolled down the window a bit and then positioned my sniper. Well, the aim was to leave a warning, so i aimed it at her arm and pulled the trigger, then sped off. While i was driving, i texted Matteo and told him it was done, and he sent me 5 million dollars. I smirked as i saw police cars and ambulance rushing to the scene. I drove to the warehouse, and as I walked in, I found the crew chilling.


Them:"Sure, sure/Ola bozza."

Me:"So, as you all know, we have a huge heist to pull off in just 2 days."

Thriller:" Eish boss, yazi bengilabeni."

Cobra:" You always hungry as if you dont have millions lying around in your bank account."

Thriller:"Phela, that's for rainy days." They laughed. There were once 20 of us, but i killed some of them because they betrayed me, and others simply left after i took over. There are now 6 of us: Thriller, Cobra, Screws, Scissors, Terror, and me.

Me:" Next on the agenda, we are now the most wanted gang ever since we took those diamonds."

Terror:" Wanted by who."

Me:" Some well-known gang called the Dragons. I think it's the gang that we stole the diamonds from. "

Screws:"Well, I don't care." He stood up and poured me some whiskey.

Me:" Ok, let's get down to business. There's a huge container that's coming down from Russia in 2 days.  That container is filled with cocaine so there will be competition.".

Scissors:" How much is the cocaine worth?".

Me:"250 million dolars."HeThey whistled with shocked expressions.
Terror: "Fuck, that's a lot of money".

Thriller: "That's like 42 million dollars each so we have to execute this mission well and properly since there will be other gangs fighting for this container". We all agreed and we started plan until it was 17:00.

Me:"Ok, let's meet here tomorrow. Same time and we'll finish off where we left off".

Them:"sure". And we all went our separate ways.

As i was driving, I switched on my phone and there were 13 missed calls from sis'Maria, my helper. I arrived home and there was an ambulance in the driveway. I parked my car and walked in. I found sis'Maria sitting on the arm chair with tears rolling down her face. I walked towards her and kneeled down in front of her.

Me:"Hey, whats wrong?".

Sis'Maria: "Kubi mntanam". And she pointed at the room where my mom slept in. I walked towards the room with my heart racing. I finally entered the room and found her lying there with the paramedics standing besides her. She looked very pale and I could tell that she was dead. I closed my eyes as the tears rolled down my face.

Paramedic:" Ma'am, we will take her to the mortuary". I nodded the ordered for her to be cremated, then i walked out and went to my room. I threw myself on the bed and closed my eyes. I guess she died in her sleep and atleast she died peacefully.

Rest in power MaFuze.

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