chapter 44

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I opened my eyes, and there it was on top of me. I couldn't scream or even move. All I could do was stare at its scary orange eyed and hope that it wouldn't kill me. It was a big Canis lupus with black fur and sharp claws (think of Jacob from Twilight). It grunted, exposing its sharp canines that had saliva and a bit of blood. I was breathing uncontrollably, scared that it would either kill me or crush me with its body. After a few minutes, it spoke slowly in a very deep and scary voice.
Wolf: "You're mine." Then it sunk it claws into my arm, causing me to bleed. Finally, I released a scream as its face got closer and closer to mine. It then opened its mouth and without warning, it...

I woke up panting and struggling to breathe. What a nightmare. My arm was very painful, and as I looked at it, I was shocked. There were 3 claw marks that were red and were made by that scary wolf in my dream. I tried to touch it but I couldn't due to the pain. I got out of bed and was shocked at the amount of blood that had stained the bed.
Me: :"What the fuck?" Was this dream real or was my mind playing with me? Unanswered questions were running in my mind. I removed the blood-stained duvet and sheet and tossed it in the laundry basket. I did my hygiene process, and when I was done, I took a bandage and wrapped my sore arm, cover9ng the claw marks. I took my phone and called ubaba. He answered after the fifth ring.
Baba: "Lenkosi, have you seen the time? It's 6:45 and wena uyang'phazamisa."
Me: "Zungu, it's urgent. I need to speak to you." He sighed.
Baba: "I'll be there at 8." And he hanged up. I sat down on the couch and thought about the wolf and why it said I belonged to it/ him.


Baba came with Mthoko at 8:10. I had asked the chef to prepare breakfast prior to their arrival.
Baba: "What was so urgent that you needed to see me early in the morning?" He asked and took a bit of his sausage.
Me: "I had a dream."
Mthoko: "What kind of dream." I sighed and told them the dream I had included the claw mark. When I was done, I looked at them.
Mthoko: "It was probably just a dream. I have to go." He stood up and left. I looked at Baba. He was awful quiet and was daydreaming.
Me: "Zungu?" He looked at me and sighed.
Baba: "It wasn't just a dream. That wolf probably marked you as its chosen one."
Me: "Chosen one?" He nodded.
Baba: "Get dressed. I'm taking you to see uDlamini." I stood up, and as i was about to go up the stairs, he commented.
Baba: "And wear a dress, Ndalo." I rolled my eyes.
Me: "You know that I don't own that." He shook his head on disapproval and carried on eating. I went upstairs and changed into a t-shirt and leggings, then took a long scarf and wrapped ur around my waist. I wore my Air Jordan's and went back downstairs. Baba was done and was ready to go. We decided to go with his car as he knew the directions to Dlamini's house. After an hour drive, we arrived Emgababa (a place in Durban), where Dlamini's house was.
Voice: "Remove your shoes when you enter. I've been waiting for you." The voice said after Baba had knocked on one of the 3 traditional huts that were in the yard, next to the kraal filled with cattle. We took off our shoes, and then Baba opened the door. The hut had many jars of medicines and herbs that were on the shelves, and the hut had a distinct smell of burning wood and incense.
Dlamini: "Awu Sengwayo. Mehlomadala mfowethu (a greeting)." The two shook hands, then bro hugged. I guessed they were old friends.
Zungu: "Mehlomadala Sibalukhulu. Unjani mfo kaDlamini?" He asked as we sat down on the bench that was offered to us by Dlamini.
Dlamini: "Siyaphila Sengwayo. I've been waiting for you to come to me before you did your heist?" He knew about the heist?
Dlamini: "Yes. I know everything and why you're here." I rolled my eyes as he had read my mind.
Zungu: "Yebo Sibalukhulu. We need answers." Dlamini burnt some incense, then looked at me and sighed. After a moment of silence, he dropped a bomb.
Dlamini: "Someone's beast wants you."
Me: "Someone's beast? What does that even mean?"
Dlamini: "You're someone's chosen one. The wolf that you saw was that person on their beast form. And no, it wasn't a dream."
Zungu: "What about the claw marks on her arm?"
Dlamini: "The wolf was simply claiming you as his."
Me: "How can he claim me as his when he has never met me before?"
Dlamini: "You have met him before. Remember when you got a weird feeling at the elevator. You were in the presence of your chosen one."
Me: "Wait,  Mr Brown is my chosen one?" He laughed.
Dlamini: "No, not him. Someone else who was in that boardroom."
Zungu: "When was this? And didn't you tell me you had a meeting with Mr Brown?"
Me: 'I didn't have a meeting that him. I interrupted his meeting. I'll tell you about it later." He nodded.
Dlamini: "Let me tell you something about the Wolfs. These types of beasts aren't like the ones you and your brothers have. They're are very dangerous and can hide in plain sight. When they choose their chosen ones, they mark them as theirs, hence why you have one."
Zungu: "Now that he has marked her, what happens now?"
Dlamini: "She'll obviously fall in love with her chosen one." I looked at him in disgust.
Me: "No, thank you. I have no love to give. That's why I'm a heartless bitch." I said, standing up and getting ready to leave.
Me: "You'll find me in the car." I said to Baba, and as I was about to exit, Dlamini spoke.
Dlamini: "Don't look for him. Let him find you." I looked at him for a while, then left the hut. This was some messed up shit. If this man thinks he has found a wife, then he's mistaken. I'll give him hell, and that was a promise...


Unknown pov- Unknown location

Man: "Please, man, don't do this. Please don't kill me. Nginabantwana mhlonishwa." He begged.
Me: "Does it look like I give two shits about your kids? You didn't think about your kids when you stole from me, so why must I care?" I asked as I sat across him and sharpened my knife.
Man: "Please, man. Ska chuna die deng." I placed the knife on the table and stood in front of him. My eyes changed into a yellow-orange color, and my hands grew into claws.  Black fur quickly covered my body, and within a split second, my beast took over. Some urinated on themselves, while others fainted, excluding Manelisi, who peacefully ate his apple with his pocket knife. Mandla's eyes grew bigger as he couldn't believe that a man could suddenly transform into a huge scary wolf. He swallowed hard as urine ran down his legs. He had so much regret and had wished that he hadn't stolen over 2.3 million rand from the notorious Zulu brothers, the most heartless and evil brothers to ever walk on this planet.
Mandla: "Ngiyak'cela Manelisi mfethu. Please help me ndoda." He pleaded with tears rolling down his cheeks.
Manelisi: "Relax mandla baby, this will be over soon." Without warning, the beast charged at Mandla and ripped of his head and drank some of his blood. Manelisi smirked as he watched his older brother enjoying himself. He also laughed at the other gang members who had peed themselves, fainted, and were vomiting on the floor.
Manelisi: "Ay Fokof nina. Hambani namasimba enu nx." The gang members literally ran out of the warehouse. When I was done, I transformed back into my human form, then wiped the blood from my mouth.
Manelisi: "Lucky asshole." I gave him the middle finger then went to wash the blood off of me, then changed into different clothes since the clothes I had one were bloody and were ripped. When I was done, I found Manelisi eating his third apple. I didn't understand his obsession with apples. He even had apple trees growing behind his house.
Me: "Let's go." We left the warehouse, got into my car, and I drove us home.
Manelisi: "So?"
Me: "So what?"
Manelisi: "Where were you last night?" I looked at him then back at the road.
Me: "I went out for a walk."
Manelisi: "You're lying. When you came back, your clothes and hands had blood, and you were canines were visible." I sighed.
Me: "Let it go. It was nothing."
Manelisi: "Nothing? Babes, you went to her, didn't you?" I nodded.
Me: "I think so. I hate the fact that my beast knows how she looks, and I don't."
Manelisi: "That's messed up. Well, we'll find her, Mxo." I hoped so too.

To be continued....


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