chapter 39

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Today, Manqoba was driving me home so that I could see my parents, and yes, they still didn't know about the kidnapping incident. Manqoba offered to take me so that he could also see his in-laws (side eye👀).
Manqoba: "Manje baby, uzolala kini?" He asked without looking at me.
Me: "Yes." He looked at me then back at the road.
Me: "And then?" I asked, trying to hold in my laughter.
Manqoba: "Ang'yizwa kahle lento yakho. Why must I sleep alone tonight?"
Me: "It's only for today, baby. I'll be back tomorrow."
Manqoba: "Hayi Baby. Tell your parents you're not sleeping over." This man.
Me: "Haa, I can't do that."
Manqoba: "Ngizongena ngimtshele ubaba wakho ukuthi ang'funi mina." Hebana.
Me: "Then he's not going to like you."
Manqoba: "Ngizok'mithisa phela, then I'll give him a proper reason not to like me."
Me: Haa, baby?!" He laughed while i shaked my head in disapproval.

We finally arrived, and Manqoba drove in and then parked by the grass. He helped me carry the plastics of groceries that I had bought earlier in the morning. Emihle was the first to come out. She ran towards me and gave me a hug.
Emihle: "My favorite sister." I laughed as I noticed her new iPhone in her hand that was probably delivered here weeks ago.
Me: "Mihle, I'm your only sister."
Emihle: "That's irrelevant information, big sis." I chuckled. Emihle turned around and greeted Manqoba, who awkwardly stood there with the bags.
Emihle: "Hi, I'm Emihle, her fabulous sister. " This child? Manqoba chuckled.
Manqoba: "Nice to meet you."
Emihle: "Are you guys dating?" Lord, come fetch your child.
Me: "What do you know about dating?" She gave me a bored look.
Emihle: "I wasn't born yesterday. Let's go inside. The rents are waiting for you."

Emihle walked in first, then me, and lastly, Manqoba. Dad was seated on his couch, reading some book while mom was in the kitchen. Mom came out first and went towards us. She then attacked me with a warm hug and kept on kissing my face.
Me: "Mah." I whined.
Mom: "Oh my baby, you finally here." Dad stood up and gave me a hug.
Dad: "Ndodakazi yami, unjani?"
Me: "Ngiyaphila baba, wena unjani?"
Dad: "Siyaphila."
Me: "Um... Baba noMah, this is Manqoba Zungu, who is.." I didn't even finish my sentence as mom went up to Manqoba and gave him a hug, while dad gave him a handshake.
Mom: "I finally get to meet my son in law. Unjani ndodana?"
Manqoba: "Ngiyaphila mah, ninjani?"
Mom: "Siyaphila nathi. Come, I cooked Khwezi's favorite." Mmmm, beef stew with ujeqe. We sat around the table and dished up the food.

Baba: "So what do you do for a living?"
Manqoba: "I am an accountant by profession, and I own shares in a few businesses. " They continued to ask him questions while I sat there bored to death. After a hour or so, Manqoba announced that he had to leave for work so I stood up and walked him out after he had said his goodbyes to my parents. We walked out of the house and stood by the car.

Manqoba: "Im still not happy nalento yakho." Aw, my baby.
Me: "Baby, its only one night."
Manqoba: "One night of pure torture. Why don't you sneak out at 9 and I'll bring you back around 6?"
Me: "Haa baby? I can't do that." I said as I went closer to him and placed my arms around his neck. I gave him a peck which ended up because long, passionate kiss.

Mom: "Yey nina, don't traumatize us tuu!" We pulled back laughing. His phone rang and he answered it.
Manqoba: "Yah?" He answered in annoyance.
Person: ...
Manqoba: "Eish ok, I'm coming. " And he hanged up.
Manqoba: "Sthandwa sam, I have to go. Love you."
Me: "Love you too, Sengwayo. " He smiled then got in the car and drove off. I walked back to the house, smiling from ear to ear. What a nice day to be alive.



After my little cry session, Sphe picked me up and carried me to the bed. He covered me and himself with the duvet and gently placed my head on his chest. Tears had stopped falling, and all that was left was subtle sniffs. I slowly fell asleep as Sphe's embrace gave me a sense of comfort and peace. A feeling I longed when I was younger. A feeling I never got from the person I called 'Mah'. My mom has never loved me as i was the curse in her life, and the reason why my dad left her. At the age of 14, I used to ask our neighbour's daughter for pads because my mom didn't want to waste her money on me. I was bullied every day because of my worn-out uniform and broken shoe. While everyone else did different hairstyles, I did blocks only, and that was before I met Khwezi in grade 10. When I started hanging out with Khwezi, I used to envy her and her life. I envied how her dad came to school and bought her lunch when she had forgotten it at home, or when she would tell me her mom cooked her favorite food because she had gotten an A for English. But that envy died down when her parents started to treat me like their own. When Khwezi's dad bought her food, he also got me the same thing. It had gotten to a point where I started to call them 'mom' and 'dad'. I loved it as I had finally gotten the love, attention, and affection I needed as a child, but it wasn't enough to full the void in my heart left by my real parents.

I was woken up by Sphe, who had a plate of pesto pasta and chicken with juice on a tray. I stood up and dragged myself to the bathroom. My view of myself in the mirror was disgusting and unattractive. My hair once again was out of place, and my eyes were red and puffy with eyebags. Scary. I rinsed my face and mouth with cold water, then used the towel to wipe the excess water from my face. I returned back to the bedroom and sat down. Sphe handed me the tray, and I began to eat very slowly with Sphe staring at me. After 3 spoonfuls, I couldn't take it anymore.
Me: "Ngisuthi." I said without making eye contact.
Danger: "Qeda lokho kudla." I sighed and ate one more spoon. I removed the tray from my lap and looked at him.
Me: "Im full." I then laid on the bed and covered myself with the duvet. I felt the tray lift up from the bed, and after a few seconds, the door closed. As I was about to drip into la la land, I heard the door open and closed again. Sphe got on the bed and covered himself with the duvet. I felt him move closer to me and spooning me from behind. Mind you, he was topless.  He planted a warm kiss on my back, which made me shiver a bit.

Me: "Shouldn't you be sleeping in your own bed?" I whispered after a few minutes of silence.
Danger: "My bed is cold." I didn't believe that.
Me: "Mmmkay." He chuckled, then snuggled closer. Silence filled the room again. I turned my body around and placed my head on his bare chest. He removed the duvet from us and made me look at him.
Danger: "Ubukhalelani?" He asked after a while. I sighed.
Me: "I got into a fight with my mom." To be honest, i wasn't in the mood to tell him what actually happened, so he nodded and then kissed my forehead.
Danger: "Don't lose contact with her. I still need to send the letter. "
Me: "What letter?"
Danger: "Yelobolo." Hebana.
Me: "Who said I'm going to marry you?"
Danger: "I said so. I'm giving you 3 months, then I'll marry you and fuck you so you'll give me 8 kids." TF. I looked at him and burst out laughing, while he chuckled.
Me: "That's never going to happen. " I said, still laughing. He smiled and removed a tear from my eye.
Danger: "Umuhle." That on its own made me tingle down there.
Me: "Ng'yabonga." Again with the eye contact. I quickly broke it and looked away.
Me: "Tell me about yourself."
Danger: "What do you want to know?"
Me: "Anything. "
Danger: "Ok. My name is Sphesihle 'Danger' Zungu, I'm 25 years of age, and I'm a doctor/businessman. "
Me: "Why is your second name Danger?"
Danger: "It's a street name."
Me: "So you're also a gangster?"
Danger: "Im part of the Mafia. Don't tell Khwezi as Manqoba hasn't told her yet. " I nodded.
Me: "What's the difference between a gangster and someone who part of the Mafia?"
Danger: "Gangsters are less organized than Mafias. Mafias are more powerful than gangs with connections with officials in power. Mafias have a family structure that is lacking in gangs. Most of the time, gangs often engage in petty crimes, while mafias are known to indulge in drug trafficking and extortion." This was interesting.
Danger: "But we do drug trafficking and diamond heists."
Me: "Wow." That's all I had to say.
Danger: "Im telling you this because I see a future with you and I trust you. So if you ever tell someone about this, I'll be forced to kill you and I'll die because of my beast." Wait, what?
Me: "What do you mean? What beast?"
Danger: "It's late, let's sleep." He said as he switched off the side lamps and pulling me closer to him. My mind was racing after all that information, but luckily, I was tired so I quickly fell asleep with unanswered questions running in my head.


Was it wise for danger to tell phiwo all that information. Comment down below☆

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