Chapter 3

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Jane's POV:

I woke up at 5 in the morning. Got into the bathroom took a 5 minute shower then looked at myself in the mirror. I saw that there was a bruise so I took out my make-up and covered it up.  Then put on my clothes for school.  Went downstairs to make my stupid parents breakfast. When I finished eating, they came downstairs, and my dad sat on the chair with my mom going on his lap. They started to make-out as usual. I looked at the time it 6:45, I got to go to school. So I got my bag and I opened the door my worthless dad yelled at me "Don't say shit not like you can." Then they started to laugh. I got out and  went to school. When I arrived I got to school, went to the office, and got my schedule. I bet this day will suck.

William's POV:

I woke up and got ready. Shit I'm almost late for school. I ran like hell to school. Then I went to the office and got my schedule. Then I went to class. Fuck I got math class first, when I got to class I saw Jason and Justin. I sat behind them. Then a girl came, she had this particular smell. My mind kept saying "MATE MATE"     Yes I finally found my mate. I told Jason and Justin "I think thats my mate." They told my congrats. Good thing she was last into class and there was only one seat left next to me. Today is a good day.

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