Chapter 5

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Jane' POV

Today at school was okay. I avoided everyone. Including William I just don't want to stick out. But when I got home my mom was cooking, and my dad was waring a suit and tie. This is not usual something must be happening tonight. When I stepped into the kitchen my mom said "Hey little shit, go upstairs and where something nice. We have guest coming." So I did what she said. I wore a beautiful blue dress that is short at the front and long at the back. And has a belt (Shown in the picture.)

After putting on my dress I went downstairs. The doorbell rang "Get the door you whore." Says my dad. So I go to the door and see a beautiful woman with someone behind her. "Hi I'm Betty Clearwater." Says miss Clearwater. Wait Clearwater? As in Willam? And just as I think that, She says "And this is my son William." Of course and so I  gesture them to come inside. William sees me and just smiles. We all sit down at the table and mom brings out the food she made. My favorite food ever! Spaghetti. When she brought it to the table I was practically drooling. But then I remembered we have guests so I sat up strait and fixed my dress. Then noticed William kept on looking at me. I wonder what he is thinking about. He's scaring me now he won't look away. "So it is nice to finally meet you guys ever since you moved in, I have been wondering how you guys look." Says Mrs. Clearwater. Making me lose my train of thought.

" So I hear Jane here is in most of the classes with William." I just nod in response. "I'm sorry Jane hasn't been able to talk ever since her mom died when she was 5" Says my evil shit load of a dad. (I stopped talking because, you kept beating me up.) Can someone please get me away from these shitty people please. I can't take them, and they are even asking all fake. And once our guest leave they (or at least my dad) will beat me up. "Oh I'm sorry to hear that. Please Jane feel free to stop by at our house if you just want to talk about how you feel." I just nod a mouth out the words thank you and smiled. Once everyone finished I put the dishes away while they were still talking. And as I started cleaning the dishes William came to help me giving me a fright. I threw a cup into the air just because I was scared. Lucky William cached it in time. He leaned in to put it in the sink. Then he slipped because the floor in slippery. And smashed into my lips. My First Kiss taken because, of a stupid slippery floor. Why and best of all my dad walked in just as kissed and just cleared his throat. "Mr. Caruz it's not what it looks like I slipped and by accidentally bumped into Jane. The kiss was by accident. Please don't be mad sir." "It's okay son. It's all fine don't worry." Then dad gave me a death glare. Damn it he's going to beat my ass. Oh my fucking god just perfect. Once everyone was done and the Tubeo's went home. Dad closed the doors pulled my hair to bring me to my room. He turned on the lights. He put me on the ground and said "Never kiss EVER AGAIN got it!!!!" Then he hit me on my leg 4 times. Then punched my left check 8 times. Then kicked me in the stomach 7 times. Once he finished all that he left me in the room. I got up to close the door and I was limping. Once I close the door I looked out my window and saw William looking at me. So I turned off the lights and went to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a big day. Please don't ask me questions.Or please make sure he only saw me limping mot any of the beating up. Please let tomorrow be peaceful please.

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