Chapter 11

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Jane's POV

It's been 1 whole week and I finally get out of the room. I go downstairs and the whole pack is there. "Yes William faster" "keep going William" "yes there right there" "ahhhhh" The pack imitates what I said. "Shut up guys" and yet they still kept on doing it. I just ended up going back upstairs. "Going for another round?" Said Lucy. "I can't wait till you all are in the heat. You'll see what happens." And they all shut up.

I went into the room and looked around for William I want to complain to him. But he wasn't in the room. I looked on the bathroom no one was in there. When i went back in the bedroom he hug attached me. "Jane why do you smell different?" That's a weird question. "What do you mean? I took a shower, I shouldn't smell different." William's eyes went big.
Bold - William
Normal - Jane
We should go to my mom
We need to have you checked
Again why?
Because you might be pregnant.
What!!! William we are still in high school. We're about to go to college and we will have a kid. What are we going to do?
Don't worry my mom
help. Don't be scared we will figure it all out.
Okay. Let's go.

Both of us went went downstairs he went to the garage to get the motorcycle. Once he was in the front of the house, I got on. He went as fast as he could without getting caught. Once we got to his house. We saw my parents car in the driveway of their house. We went through the back of his house. His mom opened the door, "Oh, why didn't you call and say you were going to visit. I would have made lunch."
"Mom I need you to check Jane. She might be pregnant."

Mrs. Clearwater pressed her palm on my stomach. Her eyes grew big. "Alexis, William the two of you are parents. But it is better if the two of you get married. It would not be good to wait for the baby to come because, people might say things."
William replied "I don't know mom. I will think about it, it sounds all to fast." My heart broke from hearing that. He's not ready? "I'm scared Mrs. Clearwater, what can I do? How long is it? Is it the same as humans?"
"Don't worry honey, I will be here to help you. It's will only be 3 months. A bump will show, but only on the second month. And giving both will be just like a human." I was relieved by what Mrs. Betty said.

William and I went back to the house. I went strait upstairs to the room. I was hurt. What if he will leave me? I just slept to keep my mind off it.

William's POV:

As we got home she went upstairs and fell asleep. I didn't want my plan to be ruined. Once I knew she was pregnant I wanted to marry her. But I don't want her to expect it. I talk to the gang, we have a plan. Tonight the two of us will go to dinner. I will go to the bathroom, but I will really go to the kitchen and take out her favorite dessert, red velvet cake. And while she is eating I will get up and dance with the group with the song marry you my Bruno Mars. After the song I will get out the ring and say "Alexis, I love you baby will you do me the honor and marry me?"

"Wow William since when were you this sweet?" Said Angelica.

Tonight is the night I will make her the happiest women in the world.

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