Chapter 13

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Jane's POV:

I woke in bed. I must have fell asleep in the car, Awww that's so sweet William put me in my pajamas. I went into my closet, got a a gray long sleeve shirt and my black leggings to go along. I went into the the bathroom and got ready for the day, once I was done I went downstairs and saw William cooking. He was making bacon pancakes "Good Morning my fiancé" I said to William. He jumped with fright and said "good morning babe you scared me, bacon pancakes?" I just nodded so my droll won't come out.

He finished making the bacon pancakes he put it on the table. I took 10 pancakes when Angelica said "save some for us." I replied saying. "Well I'm eating for two now.

Everyone's eyes went wide. "Your pregnant!?" They screamed in sync. On shit I forgot we didn't tell them yet. "Hehehe yeah, I forgot we didn't tell you." Everyone started to congratulate us. The girls were planing a baby shower and mixing it with the bachelorette party. I had to get away from all this discourse's, it was getting to loud. I sneaked back upstairs, and went through my boxes and found a picture, it was of my mom, my dad, and me. We were all smiling at the park. I only remember so little of my mom since I was 5 when she died. As I was having a throwback moment about my family before my mother died, William attempted to scare me from behind, but I just stayed still. I was to focused on my past life.

Bold - William Regular - Jane

"Is that your mom" "Yeah, I never told you about her did I?" "No, actually we never talked about each other past. We only talk about the present and future. Do you want to talk about it?" "Yeah sure, do you wanna go first or should I?" "I want to know about you first" "Okay, well my mom died when I was five. It was a week before my birthday." "What happened?" "It was a snowy day, my mom was driving the two of us home from school. The car was suddenly hit by a truck and hit a tree. Another driver got out of their car and got me out first. The man was going back for my mom, but the car exploded. He called 911 instead and kept me in the car so I wouldn't be too close to the heat." "You remember all that?!" "Sometimes I dream about that time. I even remember how hard my dad was crying when we were at the hospital and at home. That's when he started drinking, and since he was always drunk he would hit me. During the week of her death, I chose not to talk. During my birthday, I did get a little cake. I thought at that time my dad would stop hurting me, but he still drank and hurt me after eating. There were times when my dad was nice. But he was usually mad and sad." "Awwww babe, I'm so sorry." "Don't be I'm fine. Now tell me about your past." "Well my mom and I used to live in Maryland, just the two of us. My dad left my mom when she was pregnant. We When I turned 7 my dad found us. He asked my mom for forgiveness, my mom wouldn't. After 3 or 4 months she gave him a chance. They decided to move to Virginia, to restart our lives. Ever since then my dad has never screwed up. He has been a perfect father and husband for my mother and I." "Awwww at least he really tried"

AN: To be continued guys. Sorry it's been a long time since I updated. I've always wanted to but then something in the way.

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