Chapter 9

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Jane's POV

Today is Sunday. I woke up with heavy arms around me. I turn to see my handsome mate next to me. "Like I said yesterday, its creepy." So I whispered back "Its not creepy, its romantic." I just get up to change then I remember I didn't bring any clothes.. "Can we go get me clothes please?" "Sure do you still have the key to your house? And what time are your parents not at home?" I think about their schedule.. At 7:35 A.M. they are out of the house. So I used my fingers and put a 7 and then 3, and lastly a 5. "So at 7:35 they are not in the house?" I just nodded in agreement. It was 6:05 we still had an hour and an half to go there. So I got up and just went to his closet and got a t shirt and put it over my clothes. I was a little cold. I went down stairs and went to the refrigerator. There was no food!!!!! I look into the freezer and saw meat. I was thinking I'll make pork chops.. Maybe I'll cook for everyone. I went upstairs "Will can I cook pork chops for everyone?" I whisper into his ear. He gets up and hugs me "You know how to cook? If you do please do." So I went downstairs and started cooking. Once I finished cooking enough for everyone. I put it on the table then everyone started running downstairs. "Jane you know how to cook?" Everyone said. I just nodded. "THANK YOU!" They screamed. They sat down and started eating. U saw that there were no more seats "Come sit on my lap Jane we don't have any other seats." My heart started beating fast when William said that. So I sat on his lap and started eating. Girls: "Awww". William kissed my cheek and whispered "thank you. The food is delicious." Girls: "Awwww. Why can't you do that?" They said they said while hitting their boyfriends.

Jane just laughed. Thinking about how much she will enjoy being in the house. It was already 7:30. I poked William and pointed to the clock. Jane got off Will's lap and walked out the door. William followed her and said "Lets take the motorcycle" Jane's eyes went big she has always wanted to ripe a motorcycle so she did a really big nod. Let went into the garage. William got tour the motorcycle and said "Hop on." I got on the motorcycle. He turned it on and off we went. In about 5 minutes we were at the house. We got in using my spear key. We went up to the attic and started to pack all my things. When we were about to bring everything down stairs the door started to open. I heard the voice of my dad "Who's motorcycle is that outside?" " I don't know but, maybe Jane is here go check the attic." Says my step mother. I heard footsteps going up the stairs "Oh shit hide." I whispered to William. I hid under the bed while William went into the closest. Hopefully they won't look here. The door to the room opened and I could see feet walking around the room. "Jane are you here. Were sorry for hurting you. We promise to not do it anymore. We are trying to change for you." says my father like any of that is true. "Hey stupid she can't talk remember she is mute?" Says my step mother.

They got out the room. So me and William rushed we threw the non delicate stuff out the window, then held all the delicate stuff and jumped out the window. We would be hurt because we are wolves. When we were out the house we took all the stuff and ran them to Williams room. We will move it to the house later right now I'm tired of all the moving jumping and running. Im just going to take a quick nap. It's now 9:59 We will just go to the house at night time. The time my so called parents won't notice it's me and William. So I fell asleep in William's bed.

(Time skip to 4:50 P.M.)

When I woke up there were strong arms around me. I look to see who it was, I saw William's face. I kissed his nose and got up to the bathroom. I looked at myself. I look so different. now that I don't bruises anymore. When I looked at the clock it was already 5:00 P.M. I should probably cook as a thank you too William and his mom. I quickly went to the Grocery store which was like a block away. I bought ingredients for home made pizza. When I got to the house I went strait to work. It was 6:45 and the Pizza was in the oven. It was going to be done soon. By 7:09 the Pizza was done so I took it out of the oven and placed it on top of the stove to let it cool. Then I started cutting the pizza slices. After cutting he Pizza I set up the table for everyone and put the Pizza in the table. At the time it was 7:20 and Mrs. Clearwater just came home. "Hello Mrs. Clearwater I made home made pizza for dinner." I wrote it down a piece of paper. "Thank you dear you didn't have to go through all that trouble." Replied Mrs. Clearwater. I went upstairs and Woke up William. "Time to eat babe. That's all I had to whisper in his ear to make him wake up. I mean he got strait up and and ran downstairs. He sat strait down and dug in for the pizza. Once he took a bite his eys grew wide and shouted "Your such a good cook babe!" His mom came downstairs saying "You don't have to scream we are on a house you know." Sorry mom, it's just the pizza is really good." After William said that Mrs. Clearwater took a pizza and tried it. I think she liked it she smiled after taking a bite. I sat down and ate some pizza. Once the whole pizza was done Mrs. Clearwater said "thank you for the pizza Jane. Now you guys go home it's getting pretty late." We got up said goodbye, took all my stuff, and went onto the motorcycle.

Once we got home we dumped al my stuff in the room. "We will decorate the room next weekend. Go to sleep now babe." So I got my pajamas went into the bathroom, took a shower, put on my clothes, brushed my teeth, then went to sleep.

sorry for not updating in a while. I have been so busy with school. So here's a long update for you guys.

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