Chapter 12

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Jane's POV:

   I went to sleep. I felt so sad. He really felt that way? Once I woke up there was a note on the side table. It read: Look under the bed.

I looked under the bed and saw a big box. On the box there was another note: Open me

When I opened the box I saw a beautiful dress, and yet another note on it: Try me on, look pretty, and then come downstairs please?

I did what the note told me to do and went downstairs. At the bottom of the steps I see William in a tux. "Where are we going?" I asked him.

"Just wait and see" is all he answered and then he put a blindfold over me eyes.

He picked me up bridal style into a car I think. I couldn't really tell. Once the car stopped he took off the blindfold, and we were at the Cheesecake Factory. I've always wanted to eat here!!

We went inside and got a table. We shared a rack of ribs. (I know it doesn't sound like a romantic food, but come on!!! It really good. And now back to the story)

After that he went to the bathroom, so I was waiting there still eating the ribs. When I looked up William was holding my favourite cake Red Velvet. I said thank you and started to eat it. And he got up with the gang behind him. And the song "Marry You" by Bruno Mars played. And they started to dance. I was starstruck. I've never seen him dance before but he was really good.

Once the song ended he came up to me on one knee and said some magical words. "Jane, I love you baby will you do me the honour and marry me?"

All I could do was nod my head. I was completely speechless.

This was the best night of my life!!!!

AN: Thank you to kurtivan180 for helping me get back on track. I know I have been making a lot of promises lately but now I will really try to update. I lo

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