Chapyer 6

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Jane's POV

In my sleep I had a dream Jane "I need you to listen closely. William is a wolf. You are his mate tomorrow he is going to tell you his feelings for you. And I need you to accept him. Please he will make your life better I promise." That made me think maybe supernatural is real. So tomorrow I will see what he will do to tell me. If he will tell I will take him in. And once I woke up I got ready did everything I needed to then went out the house.

As I pass William's house he comes out. He ran up tome saying hi Jane. And got out a notebook and pencil. Than gave it to me. The he asked that question I hoped he wouldn't ask. "Why did your dad beat you up?" Fuck what do I say. so I wrote "He didn't beat me up. Maybe you were dreaming." So he told me "If it was a dream. Why is there a bruise on your left cheek?" Shit I took out my mirror and checked. "Ha I was right you even checked. See he did beat you up. Jane I need to tell you something (Here it comes) I know you might not believe but I need you to listen please." I just nod in response. "I am a wolf, actually a alpha and you are my mate. Can you please accept me I promise I will take you away from your shitty family. You can live with me my mom already said yes." I hug him and take out a note saying "I accept you" He picked me up hugging me and spinning.

We went to school hand in hand. Smiling laughing it was amazing. Then Kayla went in front of us saying "Whats going on here?" "I'm walking with my girlfriend to class." "What The Fuck I should be your girlfriend not this mutant freak." "Say something else mean out my mate and your dead." We walked away from her with her looking dumb as fuck. We went through out the whole being happy. When it was time to go home we walked home together and he helped me pack some of my stuff up before my parents came home. I mean I'm 18 I'm allowed to move out the house myself. He helped me move into his room his mom is okay with it. And once my parents got home they went to the house and you hear them screaming my name. We turned off the light so they wouldn't see us. My dad went into my old room looking angry as fuck. He saw that there was barely anything  in the room and got even angrier. He came out the house and went to William's house knocking on the door. Mrs. Clearwater answered the door. "Hello Betty have you seen my daughter Jane?" "No Mr. Caruz I'm sorry not at all." (Thank you Mrs. Clearwater) "Well if you do see her please do give me a call." "Will do Sir. Goodnight." She went up the attic and told me "Don't worry William told me what your dad has done to you dear. Don't worry your safe with me." Just mouthed thank you. Me and William fell asleep in each others arms. I don't know what I would do without William.

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