Chapter 4

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Jane's POV

As I got to class I was the last one I think. There was only one chair left, it was next to a cute guy. But he looked like a jerk. But the weird thing was I think he was looking at me.

As I sit down he talks to me "Hi I'm William, and you are?" He says with a hand out. I take out my notebook and write "Jane" then I shake his hand. He asks if I know how to talk. I just nod my head no. "Can I look at your schedule?" I take out my schedule and show him. He compares it to his. "Hey we have most of the same classes. Do you want to eat lunch with me?" I was unsure I don't even know how to make friends. So I just nod my head. The bell rings that means class just ended. shit I didn't even pay attention, hope there was nothing important.

The next class was gym and I had it William in it so we walked together. When we got to class, this one girl came up to him hugging him tight. Maybe that's his girlfriend. Well that's my cue to leave. But then William yells "Get off me, I already told you I don't want to date you. Jane come back here don't leave me alone." My heart pumped really fast when I heard those words. I didn't know what to do I was scared the girl that just hugged him said "Oh you must be new here. I'm Kayla, Williams girlfriend." I told you we are not dating. No offense Kayla but I like you but only as a friend." William said back. "I know you want me William just admit it. You love me and you are too afraid to tell me." "Kayla I want to be with my mate, and you are not her. Plus like I said I like you as a friend." she got mad and ran off. Maybe this year won't be very good.

As gym finally ended it was lunch so me and William walked together. When we had our lunch we sat together then other people came to him. Then he said "Jane these are my friends Jason, Justin, Riley, Angelica, Nicole, Princess, Lucy, and Justin. Guys this is Jane." As lunch ended I finished school trying not to get any attention. Once school finally ended. I walked home. Did my chores, made dinner. Ate before my parents got home, went upstairs got ready for sleep and then slept.

William's POV

When she sat down I talked to her for the whole class. Oh thank you lord for giving me mate. But she is mute.. I can work around it. As class ended we walked to Gym then I was attacked by a hug. It was Kayla go hell no I don't want Jane to think were dating. God how I hate Kayla. She's from the another pack her fathers the alpha. About 75% of the school is wolfs including the staff. Anyways she thinks she should be my mate. But to bad because, Jane is my mate. Once gym finished it was lunch. I introduced the pack to Jane. After that I went through the school day happy as hell. Once school finished I followed Jane home without her noticing. I know where her house now it's actually right next to mine. So I went to my house and went to my room in the attic. I wanted the attic because, you really hear the noise coming from downstairs. When I look out the side window I saw that Jane was there too. Yes I get to see her all the time then. I love my life it is so easy for me. I stayed up all night thinking of a plan, I stayed up until 12. then I heard a car pull into the driveway. I think it's Jane's parents. As they got out the car the mom looked drunk and the dad looked mad as hell. After 5 minutes the light to Jane's room turned on I saw her dad go inside. He started talking, Then he went up to Jane who was asleep and slapped her. Then dragged her off the bed kicking her in the stomach. Why the hell is he doing that. Once he finished he left her and kept the light on. It looked like she was crying. My instincts were telling me to kill the dad and help her. But she might get scared of me. Tomorrow I will tell my mom to set up a family dinner date with Jane's family at their house. Well I'm sleepy as, I'll just sleep.

A/N: Sorry it's a long chapter. Hope you guys like it. Comment if you want me to make a book or if you have suggestion for me I would love the help.

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