Chapter 10

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Jane's POV

I woke up and it's Monday. Whyyyy? Why do we have to go to school. I got off the bed and got ready. Once I was ready I went downstairs to see what good we had. I saw that there was bacon so I took it out and but it in water for in to defrost. I went to the pantry and took out the brown sugar. Once the bacon was defrosted it put it on the pan and starting cooking the bacon with brown sugar. Once I finished cooking I set in on the table. Then started setting the table. Once everything was set I the table 3 times on the table as hard as I can. That was out sign for "Food is ready" And right after I did the last hit on the table. I could hear everyone running upstairs. I waited for William but he didn't come down, so I went upstairs to go and fetch him.

When I was in the room, no one was in the room. Where is he? WhenI looked I the bathroom, no one was there. So I went to the closet, when I opened the door William jump scared me. Which made me scream loud the. Said "What the fuck Will. Do you want me to die?" I said that in a regular voice. It wasn't a whisper. "I can talk properly Will. Thank you so much!!" He smiles and carried me downstairs "Time to eat." Once we got to table, he sat me on his lap and we started to eat. When I tasted it I was surprised it really did taste good "Thank you Jane. "This tastes so good" said Nicole. I looked at the time. It was all most time to go. I got off Williams lap and ran upstairs to get my bag. When I was downstairs I told everyone "Guys I can speak properly now. But don't tell anyone else I don't want to talk during school." "Okay" everyone shouted back...

We all took 3 cars in all. We got to school and everyone was looking at us. "Why are they looking at the pack?" "They are not looking at the pack" "Then who are they looking at?" "Us. They can't believe that we are a couple." I was amazed and then shy. People are looking at me. So I just looked down at the floor. I hate the attention. When we got to the classroom William pulled out my chair for me. So sweet. During class I never listened. I was just feeling really hot. I was not in the mood. My head really hurts. My inner wolf was howling. I passed a note to William.

Bold- Jane
Regular- William

I fell weird
What's wrong
I fell hot and I'm inner wolf keeps howling
Oh no
What? What is it?
Your in the heat. We need to skip school for 1 week.
Okay why?
I'll tell you at home. After this class lets go home.

Just then the bell rang. He too my stuff and my hand and walked out of school. We just took one of the cars they can fit in the other 2. As we were driving William took my hand. It made me feel better. As we got home William told me what was happening. "Your in heat. That means we have to stay together at home. It will be for one week. And we have to do some Rated-R stuff."  They went into the bed room and got started.

*sorry guys I will not write anything bad. So let your minds go crazy*

Sorry I have been so busy with school. I will try to update soon again. 😘I love you my Betas.

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