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This isn't a chapter !!

I just wanted to let you guys the forms of Yasus breathing style. There's 11 in total.

First form- plum
The user can release several rotating sword slashes that deflects incoming physical attacks.

Second form- pink shadows
The enemy will appear in a room with blossom trees everywhere like an endless room. The user will be in the same room but the enemy can't presence where the user is no matter your rank. This will prevent for the user to attack randomly and defeat the enemy. Outside in the real world it's just the enemy standing there like a fool.

Third form- Sakura
This form can help the user attack mid air but they will need a lot of physical strength in order to use this form.

Fourth form- purple blossoms
When the user uses this form blossoms will appear out of their sword, but purple. Don't be a fool though. Once the enemy lay a eye on this blossoms they will start seeing things. This will help the user to kill the enemy easier. ( basically like poison but it isn't )

Fifth form- bloody blossoms
This form is the deadliest one. Once the user throws sword slashes and hits any part of the enemies body even with just being the tip of the sword it's over. Red blossoms will go inside your body causing the blood vessels of the enemy to pop, and kill the enemy.

Sixth form- roses
This form will make roses come out of the sword once it sends slashes. But once they hit the ground or the enemy, it will explode.

Seventh form- blossom/ rose water
This form is like water breathing. But instead of just water coming out, blossoms/ roses come out too with the water. This will cause the enemy to slow down if they get hit with this form.

Eight form- sleeping beauty
This form is when the user pulls out their nirichin sword out, pink dust will fill out the whole area. This will cause anything that breaths in the dust to go in a deep sleep.

Ninth form- combat butterflies
This form will help the user by butterflies appearing and helping/ guiding the user hand to hand combat with the enemy just in case the sword breaks. This form is the only one were the user doesn't need a nirichin sword.

Tenth form- spikes
By using this form long/ giant plants/ weeds of roses will come out of the ground and attack the enemy. This plant also has thorns it in and if one of them spikes you, it will poison you and create a big injury. This will help the user to have a big advantage to kill the enemy.

Eleventh form- eyes of heaven ( 😛 )
This form is the strongest. This form will make the users eyes pink and purple ( like Kanao but her white stuff idk how you call it is pink and the eye pupil thingy is purple. ) This form will increase the users speed, iq, physical strength, sword skills and more stuff. Even though it's very powerful there's consequences, the user will be blind in one or both eyes. Or their death will haunt them. ( meaning they are going to die )

Fun fact: Yasu made her own breathing forms ( yes even the eleventh one which no one was able to do ) and the ninth form is the first form to be used with out a nirichin sword.
Hey guys I just wanted to let you guys know their is going to be fighting scenes later on and I'm not good with it so I'm sorry if it's not the best ! You guys can tell me if they was a mistake or if I did something bad I will be more than happy to fix it !!

- author <33

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