Chapter 2: They All Got Dirty Little Secrets

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Friday, February 20th at 9:32PM

Peter feels himself waking up but he doesn't open his eyes. He remembers everything that had happened so he knows he's been kidnapped. He listens in to his senses, trying to pinpoint what's going on.

He hears six familiar heart beats that are beating nervously but four unfamiliar heart beats. He also hears three more heart beats that isn't in the room but are near the area.

Peter slowly opens his eyes to see a bright light over his head making him close his eyes super fast. He hears maniac giggling as he hears a light switch get flicked off. Peter opens his eyes again to see a dark grey wall above him.

He tries to move but as he pulls he feels himself cuffed to what he's laying on. He lifts his head up only for his eyes to go wide.

In front of him, sitting on the ground and are currently handcuffed are Flash Thompson, Ned Leeds, Abe Brown, Harley Keener, Morgan Stark and Cassie Lang. Peter feels his heart skip a beat when he hears the maniac giggling again.

He doesn't even have to turn his head when a very familiar face jumps in front of his, making him flinch. Bullseye. Bullseye is wearing his signature blue and white villain attire. His blue eyes are staring at Peter with a murderous look. 

"Remember me spidey?" Bullseye spats.

Peter remembers the day he had fought Bullseye. He had almost died but he pulled through and fought. He didn't give up. He kept punching, shooting his webs, dodging and did whatever he could to defeat Bullseye.

"I'm sorry what?!" Flash interrupts making Bullseye snap his attention to him which makes Flash gulp.

"Enough. We currently aren't torturing the Thompson boy" a guy rolls his eyes. He's bald, wearing all black, has a utility belt with weapons and a glass lens over his right eye. Peter feels like he recognizes him from the news when he was younger but can't recall his name.

"And who are you?" Peter wonders.

"Don't worry, your daddy will recognize me once we call him" the guy smiles.

"Daddy?" Morgan questions quietly.

"I'm scared" Cassie whispers.

"Shhh" Harley shushes them both.

"Look you guys, you all got the wrong man over here and you certainly have them all wrong too! I don't know who any of you are" Peter lies.

"I know you can recognize me Peter" another guy claims as he steps out of the shadows. Peter does recognize him, almost immediately. His name is Mister Brownstone aka Garrison Klum who is a drug lord that Peter put in jail two weeks ago. He has brown hair and brown eyes and is wearing all black just like the other man that Peter still doesn't recall. "Sent me off to jail two weeks ago. Funny how things work out."

"You all make me impatient. Who's the other guy in the shadows? Who is he? Batman?" Peter jokes making the guy step out.

The guy has no shirt on which reveals his tattoos. He's wearing black pants, black shoes and a utility belt. He has brown eyes and dyed long hair a little past his shoulders. The top of his hair is brown while the bottom is dyed green. Peter also recognizes him as Whiplash who was rumored to be dead during the fight against him and Tony.

"You should really put a shirt on Ivan" Peter suggests.

"And you should really watch what you say Parker" the man with no hair smirks.

"Oh! I know what your name going to be! How about Baldie until you tell me your real name?" Peter smiles.

"Shut the hell up" Harley mutters under his breath.

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