Chapter 43: You Lied

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Monday, April 20th at 4:50PM at the Avengers tower in Manhattan, New York City

Tony had just got a text that May and Happy are finally getting released. He knows May wants to come in Peters room and Peter wants to see her but Peter had been staring at the door for probably around like three hours now.

"Roo" Tony whispers only for Peter to not respond.

He expected that though. Peter rarely talks in general now or at least without Harley and everyone. He especially rarely talks after a dissociation.

"May just got released. She wants to come in here and see you" Tony explains. "Do you want her to come in?"

Peter still doesn't respond. He doesn't even glance Tony's way or nod or shake his head. He looks down at his phone, at May waiting to see him text her what Peter had said. What Peter wants.

"It's up to you kid. She wants to see you but if you don't right now, that's ok" Tony assures. "Peter?"

Peter flinches as he seems to snap out of staring at the door. Tony immediately apologizes but Peter doesn't look his way, just right back at the door.

"You're safe Peter. You're in the medbay, at the tower. Everyone's safe. You and everyone else are alright. May...she's up bud. She got released" Tony exclaims.

"May" Peter whispers.

"Yeah bud, she got released from her medbay room. She wants to come see you but only if you're up for it" Tony tells him.

Peter gives the smallest nod of his head that if Tony wasn't paying attention, he would've missed it. So, Tony sent out a text to May for her to come in.

"She's coming kid. You're safe at the tower and so is everyone else. May's alright" Tony reassures.

Peter doesn't answer. It only takes two seconds before May knocks on the door and comes in. Peter flinches but Tony catches that he had tried to hide it. Nobody comments on it though.

"Hey Peter" May greets softly while she comes to sit down next to Tony.

"I'll be right back. Will you be alright kid?" Tony questions. Peter gives another very small nod. Tony then slowly gets up and walks out of the door to check on his other two kids, Pepper, Rhodey and Happy.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier. Cho just released me. I'm ok." May says what he's thinking.

"My fault" Peter mumbles.

"It wasn't your fault sweetie. No one knew that was going to happen. I promise you that it wasn't your fault" May promises.

"Ross wants me. Y-you're his ad-advantage. You and H-Happy" Peters voice cracks.

"Happy and I are both ok. We're both safe and so are you. If you want, Happy can visit you later?" May suggests only for Peter to not respond. "It's ok if you aren't ready for new visitors. Happy is ok though. He also got cleared for a release. He's probably with Pepper and Rhodey right now."

Peter still doesn't say anything. May knows the extent of what happened. Peter dissociated. She didn't want to hear anymore, she wanted to see him. She doesn't know why he dissociated or anything of what happened today. She just thought she would ask someone later.

"They're going to be making dinner soon. Are you getting hungry?" May asks only for no response. "They're going to be moving you kids back together after you all eat dinner. Everyone was asking about you, making sure you're alright. Everyone else is ok. They're holding up."

May looks at the door where Peter is staring but like expected, sees nothing. She turns to look back at Peter and does her best to not look sad. It's not like he's doing anything wrong, she just misses how things were. She hates how this had happened and wishes it never did.

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