Chapter 16: The Call From The North

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Saturday, March 7th at 1:16PM

"Don't worry kid. I'm going into town today" Francis assures.

Peter whispers a number in response and only one name pops up in Francis's mind, Pepper Stark.

Francis goes to unlock the door when Peter passes out in his arms. He's quick to get a better hold on the kid, not letting him drop to the floor. He turns his head to the left and the right before gently dropping Peter onto the ground so he can unlock the door.

Once he unlocked the door, he turns around and picks Peter up. He nudges his foot to open the door before handing Peter off to his friends and going on his way to the store and finally, finally be able to do something about this. He really hopes Pepper picks up his call or at least receives it.

"Are you heading out to the store now?" Garrison asks while Francis grabs some money from the tiny room with a tv and fridge.

"Yeah I am" Francis nods.

"You're just getting the kids foods" Garrison reminds him.

"I know. Why? Do I need to pick anything else up?" Francis asks suspiciously.

"No" Garrison dismisses.

"Ok, I'm heading out now. I'll be back soon" Francis informs him.

"Maybe I should come with" Garrison offers.

"It'll only be a few minutes or so" Francis shrugs as he's internally freaking out.

"Garrison! We need you for a sec" William states while walking into the room.

Francis let's out a relieved breath.

"Oh ok, I guess. Francis, don't take too long" Garrison instructs.

"Got it" Francis nods before William and Garrison leaves the room.

Francis feels all of his anxiety run out of his body. He was so nervous. He thought for a moment that Garrison was going to come with him and ruin his plan. Thank goodness William got him.

Francis shoves the money into his pockets before quickly leaving. He wants to get out before anyone else tries to come with him. He can't afford the kids safety like that.

Francis makes it outside, hops inside a small black car and starts to drive to the nearest store. During the ride, he says the number over and over again.

It only takes a little over than thirty minutes until he arrives at the store. He parks the car and goes into the store. He picks out the food that he has to get for the kids along with some fruit snacks and medical supplies that he could sneak with their food. Once he pays, he doesn't move out from the line.

"Can I please make a phone call with one of your phones?" Francis asks.

"Sure, whatever" the cashier rolls her eyes. She pushes the phone in front of him before walking to her coworker to not overhear the conversation.

Francis tells her a quick thanks before she ignores him again. He picks up the phone and dials the number that Peter had whispered to him.

The phone rings two times before the phone picks up.

"Hello, who is this? How did you get my number?" A female voice immediately asks through the phone.

"Ummm hi there! I have information about the kids. My name is Fra-" Francis begins to say only for the line to hang up.

He looks up to see that the cashier had hung up on him with simply clicking a button on the phone keypad.

"Sorry, my boss said customers aren't allowed to make phone calls unless it's an emergency. Please leave now" the cashier demands.

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