Chapter 38: Nobody Is Safe

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Friday, April 17th at 8:50PM in Hells Kitchen, New York City

"Who's the guy you brought with you?" Matt wonders.

"Happy Hogan. He's Tony Starks security. He's only here because of Ross but he's all the way down in the car, no mic or anything" May assures.

"Is Petey pie ok?" Wade asks.

"Him and everyone else is slowly getting better physically. I'm hoping things keep going alright" May hopes.

"He's going to get better May. He's strong" Jessica assures her.

"You told us that Ross attacked Peter?" Frank questions.

"Oh yeah but we don't know much. They have powers, that's all we know" May sighs. "I was talking with the avengers and it seemed like Peter didn't even see them but knew they were there. We think they were invisible but Peter won't talk much to confirm or anything."

"We'll keep an eye out. So far nothing has happened to any of us" Danny tells her.

"Yeah, stay safe. If you do run into them, tell me" May states.

"Will do" Luke assures.

"You stay safe too" Karen informs.

"Oh! We found Fisk" Foggy recalls.

"What? When? Did you catch him?" May questions.

"Not necessarily. We know he's been with Ross and his old mansion of an apartment. We went to his apartment but there weren't traces of him ever being there but we know he was in there. We were going to stalk him later today. He's going to meet up with Ross again" Matt explains.

"That's good. I know Ross will be harder to catch rather than Fisk so if you ever need the avengers, just call me or Tony" May offers.

"Will do and if not, we'll give a call when we catch them" Danny nods.

"We've been seeing the avengers patrol too. Any news at the jail?" Frank wonders.

"Not yet besides that they're still behind bars so that's good" May claims.

"Yeah, that's good news" Karen agrees.


Saturday, April 18th at 12:30PM at the Avengers tower in Manhattan, New York City

All the kids had just ate their lunches and now each therapist is in the rooms with them. They had to go back to their original rooms because of the therapy session but they were promised they'd be back together again.

Tony and May is with Peter currently. Morgan had kicked Tony out again to protect Peter but he's ok with that. He wants to make sure Peter is ok too. He knows Peter likes it when they're both with him anyways.

Peter is wearing his headphones. His web shooters is underneath his blanket and he's holding onto Leia.

"Did you name her yet?" Sarah asks Peter only for him to not respond. It's been like this ever since she came in today. She asked him his name, date and where he is only for no response.

"Maybe the physiatrist should come in here? I don't see signs of dissociation right now but this is more her field?" Sarah suggests.

"Yeah, sure. You can bring her in" May allows.

Only two minutes passes by before the psychiatrist walks in with Sarah.

"Hi Peter, my name is Mia Klum, the psychiatrist but you can call me Mia" Mia introduces herself.

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