26. Bar

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The next morning, as the first rays of sunlight streamed through the curtains, we slowly stirred from our slumber. Iris was the first to wake up, her eyes opening to the new day, full of curiosity and wonder.

"Morning," she said in her simple, childlike way.

"Good morning, Iris," I replied, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I glanced over at Iu, who was reluctantly waking up as well.

"Morning," Iu muttered, sitting up and stretching.

As we gathered around the small table in the hotel room, we began discussing our plans for the day. Despite the language barrier and Iris's limited understanding, we did our best to include her in the conversation.

"So, what do we do next?" I asked, looking at Iu for guidance.

"We should continue searching for information about the prophecy and what we need to do to prevent it," Iu suggested. "But we also need to be cautious. There are many dangers out there, and we can't afford to let our guard down."

I nodded in agreement. "That's true. We also need to keep an eye on Iris and make sure she's safe at all times."

Iris, who had been quietly listening to the conversation, chimed in, "Safe. Iris safe."

We couldn't help but smile at her innocent attempt to join the conversation. "Yes, Iris, we'll make sure you're safe," I reassured her.

"First, we should gather some supplies and gather more information about our surroundings," Iu added. "We can't move forward blindly."

With our plan laid out, we finished our breakfast and prepared to venture out into the city once again. As we stepped outside, hand in hand, we knew that our journey was far from over. But with Iris's growing intelligence and Iu's growing annoyance, we had hope that we would overcome the challenges ahead and, perhaps, find more moments of joy along the way.


As we walked through the city, we stumbled upon a dimly lit bar with an interesting atmosphere. Deciding to check it out, we entered, only to find that there was more to it than just a place to grab a drink. In the back of the bar, there was an underground fighting arena. We could hear the cheers and jeers of the crowd as they watched fighters go head to head in brutal combat.

I glanced at Iu and Iris, trying to gauge their reactions. Iu seemed indifferent, while Iris looked around with wide-eyed curiosity, not fully understanding the situation.

"I think I'm going to participate in the fights," I said, hoping to make some extra cash to support our journey. "It could be a good way to earn some quick money."

Iu raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure about this? It's dangerous."

"I can handle it," I replied confidently. "Just keep an eye on Iris and make sure she stays safe."

Iu nodded, agreeing to watch over Iris while I participated in the underground fights.

After signing up and preparing myself for the fight, I was led into the arena. The crowd roared with excitement, eager for the next match to begin. As I entered, I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins, sharpening my focus.

The announcer introduced me and my opponent, a burly man with a fierce look in his eyes. As soon as the match began, we started trading blows. I quickly realized that my opponent was a formidable fighter for me in human form, but not in demon form, but I was in human form at the time nonetheless.

Using my agility and quick reflexes, I managed to dodge his powerful attacks and strike back with well-timed counters. The fight was intense, and the crowd was on the edge of their seats, cheering and booing as we exchanged blows.

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