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Their rendezvous at the dance studio made Taylor yearn for more. Her private investigator gave her a clue to where she may hang out after shifts. It was a small club that held open mic shows. It was a solid opportunity to scope out new talent and to scope out what Karlie did after work. Did it seem desperate? Definitely. Did Taylor care? Not at all.

She picked out a white crop top with some black shorts, ensuring you couldn't miss her red lipstick. She was looking for talent. Taylor wanted to look her best. The songwriter was spying on Karlie. She wanted to impress. Her driver drove her to the club. She questioned what Karlie's reaction would be. She wondered what the dancer thought of the contract or if she even thought of it at all.

Maybe this chance encounter would help prove to Karlie how serious she thought of the contract. She laid low at the club. The talent at the open mic wasn't ideal. If only they knew the owner of Swift Records was in the building. After some time, she spotted Karlie. She was with Sean and two girls. She guessed they also worked at the studio. They made eye contact, a smile formed on Karlie's lips. Almost as if she knew, almost as if she invited her there herself. She strolled over to where the taller girl stood. A Midas touch to her arm sent chills directly to the place where her fingers lay.

"What are you doing here?"

"I heard this is the place to find new talent."

"Work-wise or submissive-wise?"

It was a challenging question as if the dancer dared her to say she was searching for another submissive as their contract was in limbo.

"I only pursue one submissive at a time. You're the only one I have eyes for."

The music was loud. Taylor felt like they were screaming at one another. She wanted this conversation private; however, she realized no one was genuinely paying attention to them.

"Until someone new catches your eye."

"Is that what you're worried about? Thinking someone better will come along? Did you get to the part where neither of us are allowed to have sexual partners during the duration of the contact?"

She noticed Karlie's friends wave her over to the bar. They pointed towards Taylor and signaled for her to join them as well.

"Care to have a drink with me?"

Karlie seemed to be dodging the question.

"I would love to."

Karlie suddenly held her hand on the way over to the bar, almost as if she was worried she'd run away. Little did she know, she was too drawn to her to go anywhere.

"This is Taylor Swift. She's looking for new talent."

Karlie said in an unconvincing tone as she mocked the exact words she used earlier.

"You came to the wrong place for talent. We just come here for the cheap drinks, and it's near the studio."

One of the girls with light hair said to her.

"I'm starting to realize that now."

They all laughed at the joke. Taylor always had a way with people. She was charming to a fault.

"How do you know Karlie?"

Karlie chimed in.

"We met on the set of that music video I was telling you about!"

"Are you a big boss or something?"

"Something like that. I'm the owner of my record company. I like to oversee projects, make sure things are going according to my plan."

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