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Lesson Three -

The third lesson is about understanding the hard and soft limits between the dom and sub. Karlie got her first taste of punishment during the first lesson. During the first lesson, discipline is expected. Taylor knew this lesson would be hard for her. She didn't like to punish her subs, but it was a part of the rules. It taught them how to behave and what was expected of them.

She imagined Karlie would have a hard time submitting. In all their meetings, the dancer yielded such confidence. Karlie's presence was forceful. It takes power to submit and give someone their all.

It made her think of how she was introduced to the lifestyle. Taylor was a sub before she was a dom. She met the lustful Dianna Agron at an event, and the two hit it off instantly. Dianna laid on the charm and sweet talk and explained she was recruiting and made a tasteful offer to be her submissive for the night.

While being a submissive didn't appeal to her, the lifestyle did. Dianna showed her what it took to be a dominant. The two remained friends, and the tension will remain, but they're both too similar to be anything more.

She was worried that perhaps Karlie would be too much of a dominant to be her submissive. Instead, she is submissive to a fault.

The lifestyle is about trust and learning more about yourself as a dom and your sub. There are certain things Taylor would never agree to and have in the form of play. When she was Dianna's submissive, she learned things about herself. The main thing? She didn't want to be a submissive. Her training with Dianna was something she held close to her. It made her become a better dom. She knew Karlie would make her a better dom.

Taylor entered the playroom for their third lesson. It was thrilling to see Karlie on her knees with her head down. She wondered if she did it instantly like it was already second nature to her. That made Taylor wetter.

"On your feet, head up, and eyes looking at me."

Karlie did the commands as told.

"This lesson is about hard and soft limits. You had a taste of punishment in the previous sessions. One thing I want to make clear is as a dom. I don't necessarily like this lesson or punishment. However, it is a crucial part of the lifestyle. You may confirm you understand."

"Yes, mistress."

"Answer green, yellow, red to these questions. Green means it's okay. Yellow means you're fine with trying it. Red means no. Nod if you understand."

Karlie nodded eagerly.

"Wearing a temporary collar while I leash you."

"Green, mistress."

"Being tied up with different restraints."

"Green, mistress."

"Being left alone for hours on your knees as a form of punishment."

"Red, mistress."

Taylor was okay with that answer. It wasn't something she was fond of doing. However, she did have to know what form of punishments Karlie would be okay with beyond the spanking.

"Being on your knees in a cold shower."

"Green, mistress."

"Thank you for your honesty. Most submissives will say red to every punishment, and it isn't how it works."

"Using a bullwhip as a form of punishment?"

"Yellow, mistress."

Taylor's grin turned devilish. She was ready to test out the yellow proposal. She left the position of being in front of Karlie. She returned with a temporary collar and put a leash on the hook.

"You look amazing in this. I'm looking forward to your official collaring, are you?"

"So much, mistress."

With the leash in hand, she led Karlie over to the bullwhip and put her in restraints. It was a chance to try out both greens she agreed to. She also kept in mind the cold shower, though Taylor was sure she wouldn't be using it very much. At every minor hit, Karlie moaned. She enjoyed this. It was time to push the limit. She picked up the pace, and she noticed a change in Karlie's breathing. She continued whipping her harder, being careful only to strike her ass. She heard a cry, and Karlie screamed out her safe word in pain. Instantly Taylor undid the restraints and examined the wounds. Like the first session, she put the cleansing spray on it. She kissed Karlie's forehead.

"Please be careful in the shower. I recommend a lukewarm shower. If you would like my help, please don't hesitate to ask. You can speak."

"I'm so sorry, mistress."

Taylor hushed her.

"In lesson one, I stated to never apologize for using the safe word. It's there for a reason."

Karlie's breath became shaky. Taylor knew then that she was thinking she would get in trouble for disobeying.

"Shh... the safe word means play is over."

She held Karlie, and it was something she hardly did with submissives. Or at least staying longer than needed after an intense play session. She never liked to leave until she was sure her submissives were okay. But, with Karlie, it was different. She felt compelled to stay there with her, holding her.

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