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Karlie and Taylor were in the dance studio. Karlie was still surprised that Taylor had suggested it and now went through with it.  The older girl was not exactly a dancer. However, her company and the close contact made up for the lousy dancing. Karlie had begun to prepare for her dance recital last week, even though she and Sean weren't set to perform until weeks later. Karlie was an overachiever. 

"Let me guide you." Karlie took Taylor's hand, and they stepped with the beat. The way Taylor had to look up to meet her eyes always made her smile.

"Do I get an invite to this dance recital?"

"I mean, you don't have to. It's not that big of a deal." Karlie stuttered her words and missed a few steps. The songwriter paused to grab the back of her neck. She pressed her lips against her own and kissed her gently.

"If it means something to you, it is a big deal to me, okay?" 

Taylor was invested in her life in ways no one has ever been. It was refreshing. She nodded in response. They continued the dance in silence for a few moments before Taylor spoke again.

"Why didn't you go back to St. Louis with Sean?" She wondered in a caring tone.

"My ex, Josh, will be there. My family is crazy about him. I rather not have him hit on me. I have told him time and time again that it's over. Plus, I wanted to practice."

"I don't blame him, really." Karlie felt her face burn, and she couldn't think of a response.

"It's not every day a man gives up a chance with a fashion model." Karlie giggled.

"Shut up." 

They stopped the dance. Taylor placed a light feather kiss on her lips, and they lowered to the floor.

"If I do, go back to St. Louis soon if you aren't busy. I mean, this may be too much even to ask." Once again, Taylor silenced her with a kiss.

"I'd be happy to accompany you."

She already knew the question.

"Will there be rules?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know." It was all she could say. Taylor squeezed her hand before she spoke.

"Outside of play, we are equals. Even inside of play we are, we just have rules in play. To the outside world, we don't. I never expect, nor would I ever want, you to feel like you couldn't be yourself with me. I love who you are. You shouldn't give that up to anyone. I'd love to see where you grew up. I like learning more about you. That's why I wanted to help you today."

Taylor never failed to win her over with words. She never pictured her to care so much. The songwriter didn't treat her like a submissive, and now Karlie understood why she preferred the term muse instead. Inside of play, she was Taylor's submissive, but outside of play. She was her muse.

"Can I wear the collar? Do I introduce you as my friend or something else?" Taylor ran her thumb over her bottom lip, and Karlie felt it tremble at her light touch. It was out of habit.

"You're not required to wear the collar. I understand if you don't want to wear it around your family."

"I want to wear it." Taylor grinned at her. She saw the pride in her blue eyes.

"You can introduce me as your friend. Not sure how your family would take to you introducing me as your dom."

Taylor laughed, and Karlie felt an ounce of sadness creep into her soul. She wanted Taylor to say it would be okay if she introduced her as her girlfriend. She chewed her cheek and blinked away tears before the shorter girl could see. She wanted to dismiss her sadness.

"You know... I wanted you so much when you were here."  Karlie's tone was husky and low. She wanted Taylor now. She wanted her inside this dance studio. She wanted Taylor inside of her. The older girl landed on top of her. It happened so quickly, Karlie didn't even notice the extra weight pressed against her.

"I've wanted you since I saw you. I wanted to claim you over and over. I wanted to make you my own."

Taylor whispered as she placed her knee against Karlie's center, and she bit down on her neck.  She reached down and rubbed her gently through her leotard. Her legs had already started to tremble.

"Do you want me to claim you once again?"

"I would love for you to, Taylor."

The dancer's leotard clung to her skin, and for most of her life, that's when she only felt comfortable.

Taylor removed the thin material from her body to see her completely nude. She realized Taylor probably liked her leotard for the sole reason of her not wearing anything underneath.

The songwriter slid down her body in a smooth motion, and instantly, her warm tongue met her wet folds. Karlie threw her head back in pleasure. Her nails dug into Taylor's scalp, and the vibrations from the sounds Taylor made only made her want more. She got her wish when Taylor began to pump one finger inside of her while her tongue still danced around her clit.

Taylor's body may not have been a great dancer, but her tongue was the best dance partner Karlie ever had.

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